Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
Hi there! I´m using the Shopify Api for create all my products, orders and discounts(with price rules and codes), but how a customer can add the discount code to the order checkout, I have to send the code inside the order request, or I missing a step before that
There is the option for automatic discounts which are "automatically" applied at the checkout?
Hi, no my discounts are not applied automatically, the customers have to added when they are on the last step to pay for the products
Hi @xavimartz ,
If it is not an Automatic Discount but instead a Discount Code, then the only place where the customer can submit this code is in the Checkout when they are trying to pay for their order.
An alternative option is that you can pass the Discount Code by URL - you just need to redirect to the customer to the URL or "https://{shop_name}.myshopify.com/discount/{discount_code}". Read more about how to generate this URL here: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/promoting-marketing/discount-codes/managing-discount-codes#promot...
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