Automatic discount through Rest API

Automatic discount through Rest API

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I'm trying to make an automatic discount using shopify-api-node, but when I create one it ends up being a discount using the shopify discount code method. It also appears in the api/2023-07/price_rules.json endpoint.

But I'd like it to be an automatic discount, so the customers don't have to do an extra step using a code to get the discounts. As I see, automatic discounts I created manually through the dashboard, don't even appear in the api/2023-07/price_rules.json endpoint.

Is it just not possible to create and access automatic discounts through the API?

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Community Manager
3108 340 871

Hi Cauliflower,


Have you explored using Order Discount Function API to achieve automatic discount without requiring customers to manually enter a code? I believe this should be possible as a function - although this would be using GraphQL rather than REST. 


Hope this helps,



Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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