Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
I'm trying to make an automatic discount using shopify-api-node, but when I create one it ends up being a discount using the shopify discount code method. It also appears in the api/2023-07/price_rules.json endpoint.
But I'd like it to be an automatic discount, so the customers don't have to do an extra step using a code to get the discounts. As I see, automatic discounts I created manually through the dashboard, don't even appear in the api/2023-07/price_rules.json endpoint.
Is it just not possible to create and access automatic discounts through the API?
Hi Cauliflower,
Have you explored using Order Discount Function API to achieve automatic discount without requiring customers to manually enter a code? I believe this should be possible as a function - although this would be using GraphQL rather than REST.
Hope this helps,
Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
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