Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
Hi Shopify team,
As an API developer, is there any way to bulk update tags in place with the API?
The closest thing we find is these APIs
However, it seems like https://shopify.dev/docs/api/usage/bulk-operations/imports#limitations is not supported at the moment? Is that correct?
Thanks for the help!
yeah.. the bulk operations appears to be treated like a stepchild.. unfairly and given little attention... as far as I am aware the only thing you can do is loop .. the good thing is with the tagsadd mutation it only costs 5 so you can do a bucket load of ops without running out of juice.
Hi @rivo-bernie , Bulk operations are not applicable in all cases. For performing mutations, you'll still need to loop through the mutations within an app.
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