Expected Records based on created at min and max are not as expected for orders endpoint

Expected Records based on created at min and max are not as expected for orders endpoint

Shopify Partner
11 0 0

HI All,

If I call


I receive a count of 701 records

My time zone in the shop is set to +00:00 GMT

If I call the order.json end point with the same date range I am receiving back in total 696 records 

14 are from the 2021-05-02 (from 00:00 - 01:00)

Any record from 00:00 - 01:00 for 2021-05-01 is not in the export. 

If I set my date range to 


Then I receive only records for the 1 May, including what was missing in the 00:00 - 01:00 range before hand

It seems that the time zone is being applied in an odd way to orders.json requests.

Is there something I am missing or has anyone else had this issue?




Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
267 40 51

Hi @cammark 

Requests via the API are always calculated by UTC, so you'll want to accommodate  for that in your request - GMT is the same as UTC, however because of the time of year, the timezone that is GMT is in summer time mode - BST - so it's an hour ahead from UTC.

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