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FulfillmentOrder Migration Unclear

FulfillmentOrder Migration Unclear

1 0 0

Can anyone help me get some context on the FulfillmentOrder migration as referenced in a recent email sent out from Shopify which references this: Fulfillment Orders API

We are currently getting orders from Shopify via the order created webhook and then when the order is fulfilled in our backend, we are creating a fulfillment using the "Create a fulfillment" POST transaction in the Admin API.  (We do GET the fulfillments for the order prior to this in order to check what has already been fulfilled by tracking number).

I am not clear on what would replace this based on the migration guide referenced above.  These API transactions and those referring to FulfillmentOrders are under the same heading in the API reference, and it's not clear what the 'flow' would be for the FulfillmentOrders to replace what we have.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
9 0 3

I am having the same problem, were you able to figure this out?

I have an order, and I want to get access to the open fulfillments on that order, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that.

My best understanding with the new api is that I have to fully implement webhooks and store information about all the fulfillment requests that get generated, which seems pretty hefty to just fulfill orders that I have information about already.