Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
The new order editing feature is causing a headache for our app,
I know there is a order edited webhook, however that isn't much use to me as we may not know about the order before it was edited, or the order my have been created before the shop has installed our app.
I need to know what the order looked like at the time it was included in a Shopify Payout. The payout transactions reference the `source_order_id` but when I get that order, it may have changed.
E.g A order was $100, which was added to a payout, The next day they edited and added another line item to the order of another $100.
They then install the app, (So I could not have installed a webhook prior)
When processing the first payout we look at the order, and it now has a value of $200 for a $100 payout transaction, and I cannot see how I can tell what had been edited or if it has even been edited.
Any ideas?
Hey @JDaffron,
Did you make any progress on this? I'm not sure there's an elegant solution. Perhaps you could look through an order's transaction history and examine transaction dates vs payout date?
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
Edit history isn't available via the API. Events can show an order has been edited, but doesn't provide details on what's changed.
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
Hey @JDaffron ,
we are also having a problem with edited orders.
Have you found a solution to get at least the timestamp of when an order was edited?
Right now the Order API just tells us the created, the processing, and when it was updated (which is also triggered by fulfillment events and other changes to an order).
Hi, I'm curious to know if a solution is now available in the API since the last post of this thread?