Get Refunds List in Shopify with Date Filter (Not Orders)

Get Refunds List in Shopify with Date Filter (Not Orders)

1 0 1
`GET /admin/api/2022-10/orders.json?financial_status=refunded,partially_refunded&fields=refunds&created_at_min=2022-10-05T00:00:00-05:00&created_at_max=2022-11-17T24:00:00-05:00&limit=250&since_id=0&status=any`

We are using this API to fetch the refunds list. Actually we want to fetch refunds on Date base like refunds with in specific date but Shopify does not provide any refund Listing API to get the refunds on date basis.

So if a refund is issued after two months (Order in Dec-> Refund in Feb) then we have it in the order list of that month (Dec)but not in the order list of after two months (Feb).

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
1453 238 508

Hi @nextdigital1, We would be happy to turn this into a feedback/discussion point and pass it to our product teams that you would have a use case for a dedicated refund listing accessible via the API. You may also get further suggestions from the community on solutions to refactor the orders data after retrieving a wider data set or possibly the returns data in ShopifyQL could be of use to your needs. Hope this helps. 

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Shopify Partner
15 1 5

Yeah I think all endpoints should be able to take in a date range to filter instead of specific IDs only, the developer experience would be much better this way since multiple roundtrips would not be needed

Shopify Partner
15 1 5

Yeah I think all endpoints should be able to take in a date range to filter instead of specific IDs only, the developer experience would be much better this way since multiple roundtrips would not be needed