Re: Getting error Address has already been taken when updating customer

Getting error Address has already been taken when updating customer

11 0 4

When we do the graphql mutation customerUpdate, if we do this request more than once with the same address, we get the "Address has already been taken" which is very weird because this started happening out of nowhere all of the sudden, this was working before without any issue, we didn't do any change or deploy and it started giving us this error. 
The most weird part of all is that once we get this error, if we try to fetch the customer addresses, it comes back as an empty array so looks like the address dissapeared while at the same time the API doesn't allow us to put it back into the customer.

Is this happening to anyone? How can we fix this?
Thanks in advance!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

I've been getting this error as well, my store uses the "Mechanic" app to perform graphql mutations upon registering for a customer account (as we required a few additional registration options), and we've had several instances of this same error since at least October 19th 2023.