Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
Hello community 👋 ,
I'm currently working on a project where I'll be creating gift cards with auto-generated codes using the Shopify Node SDK. As part of this process, I'll be associating these gift cards with specific customer IDs.
This brings me to my question: Does associating a gift card with a specific customer ID make that gift card exclusive to that customer? In other words, is the gift card only redeemable by the customer with the associated ID, or could anyone who has the gift card code potentially use it?
Hey again @davi-mezencio
Currently, the way gift cards work on Shopify is that even if a gift card is associated with a specific customer account, anyone with the code can use the Gift Card at checkout. Shopify does track the relationship between gift cards and customer accounts within the database and can display this in the admin, but this doesn't restrict the gift card's usage to the associated customer. My understanding is that this is to facilitate gifting/exchanging the code.
We do anonymize the card numbers that can be seen through the admin as well as through the API endpoint (you can only see the last 4 digits of a given gift card) for privacy reasons though, in case this was a concern.
Hope this helps!
Al | Shopify Developer Support
Developer Support @ Shopify
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