Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
The following GraphQL query
{ orders(first: 10, query: \"processed_at:>=$processed_at_min processed_at:<$processed_at_max\") { edges { node { id purchasingEntity { ... on PurchasingCompany { location { id catalogs(first: 10){ edges{ node{ id } } } } } } } } } }
Returns the following error message:
{"errors":[{"message":"Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: 12360f40-7cde-483a-b029-d39cbf2cb5b6 (include this in support requests).","extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","requestId":"12360f40-7cde-483a-b029-d39cbf2cb5b6"}}]}
But works fine with the "catalogs" node removed
orders(first: 10, query: \"processed_at:>=$processed_at_min processed_at:<$processed_at_max\") {
edges {
node {
purchasingEntity {
... on PurchasingCompany {
location {
Bad code on my part or did I find a bug?
Hi @mwex501 👋
Thanks for sharing the request ID! The logs suggest that the app may not have permissions to view `CompanyLocationCatalog`. Would you please try adding `read_publications` or `read_channels` then re-test the query?
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