Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
Hi I am developing an app. the was app developed is theme/storefront related and i would like the app to be able to make changes to the storefront
You have to specify more specifically before we are able to point you in the right direction.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
@Jannik_Hansen hi thanks for response
I build shopify public app. app allow multi discount code and free item base on certain condition,
i used this lib https://github.com/osiset/laravel-shopify
now i want add free item on store front based on app product to free product enable.
one more tings allowing multiple discount code on cart and checkout page.
I hope you understand the my issue
Hi there,
I would look at this: https://shopify.dev/api/ajax/reference/cart
The keyword when you search is including "cart.js" then you can find hundreds of threads regarding this.
@Jannik_Hansen Thanks for your answer.
I know cart.js it was work on shopify theme side that I already done that.
how I can access cart.js into the public app app will be change the cart on store fronted side ?