Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
I have a problem about update order shipping address information
I reviewed documentation and find Update order endpoint but i send despite order field but im getting this error while trying to update shipping address.
Hey @Cargologi ,
Thanks for sharing that error. Can you share an example of the mutation you're making (leaving out any specific address or customer details)? That will help us better understand where the error may be coming from.
We also have a few examples in our docs that may help.
If you're using REST, this should help: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-rest/2023-07/resources/order#put-orders-order-id
If you're using GraphQL, this guide on order editing is a good place to start: https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/fulfillment/order-management-apps/order-editing
Hope that helps!
- Kyle G.
Developer Support @ Shopify
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