Re: Incomplete shipping information in orders via API

Incomplete shipping information in orders via API

New Member
4 0 0

Hi there guys,


I am facing an issue while requesting orders data via API. I found some similar cases here in the community but not how to fix it.


We are automatically exporting all daily orders via API to send them to our logistics team, so that they can prepare and send them to our customers.


But what happens is that we are not getting the full shipping information now, only the province. Here's an screenshot with an example.



This obviusly is not enough for them, since there's no address where to ship the package. So that's a big problem for us.


Have been working with other stores before, but this is the first time I found this issue.


Does anyone know how to get the full shipping address?


It would be really helpful, since managing orders is being a nightmare in this situation.


Thanks a lot,

Replies 3 (3)

New Member
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Please, does anyone know how to get to full shipping address?


We are having to manage all orders manually at the moment and it's a total mess.


Any help will be much appreciated.



Shopify Partner
6 1 1



If you are calling the REST API, i.e. 

The shipping address should come through automatically.
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Bob",
"address1": "Chestnut Street 92",
"phone": "+1(502)-459-2181",
"city": "Louisville",
"zip": "40202",
"province": "Kentucky",
"country": "United States",
"last_name": "Norman",
"address2": "",
"company": null,
"latitude": 45.41634,
"longitude": -75.6868,
"name": "Bob Norman",
"country_code": "US",
"province_code": "KY"

The only explanation is the shipping address isn't being entered from the checkout? So what you are seeing is actually what has been entered in the Order?

Checking our code for doing these GET Requests for retrieving orders, it returns a full shipping address everytime.






Shopify Partner
1 0 0



We are having the same issue with one of our customers. Does anyone know how to solve it?

