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Issue with add.js dropping properties

Issue with add.js dropping properties

6 0 3


We've been having a sporadic issue lately where certain line items will lose their properties after they're in the cart. We cannot fulfill our orders without these properties, so this has been a significant support issue for us.


We're using the /cart/add.js script to add the items (and this method words for 99% of all orders).


For example a customer adds an item to the cart like so -- to the /cart/add.js endpoint:


array (
'type' => 'nl-add-to-cart',
'item' =>
array (
'quantity' => '4',
'id' => '794508781',
'properties' =>
array (
'Typeface' => 'Palm Springs',
'House-numbers' => '4990',
'Orientation' => 'horizontal',


And the script received this back from the endpoint:


array (
'items' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'id' => '794508781',
'properties' =>
array (
'Typeface' => 'Palm Springs',
'House-numbers' => '4990',
'Orientation' => 'horizontal',
'quantity' => '4',
'variant_id' => '794508781',
'key' => '794508781:11ec7c81914b6bc7a00e58332e33447e',
'title' => 'Numbers + Letters - 6" / matte black powder coat',
'price' => '3080',
'final_price' => '3080',
'final_line_price' => '12320',



That sure LOOKS like a successful transaction to me!


But the final order did NOT have these properties:


'Typeface' => 'Palm Springs',
'House-numbers' => '4990',
'Orientation' => 'horizontal',


Anyone have any ideas why this would be happening? It feels a lot like a bug on shopify's end, mostly because we have hundreds of orders with similar attributes that work fine.




Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
11207 226 2317

I doubt this is a bug. What apps do you have in place that could alter a cart, or perhaps create a new checkout?


Getting a successful response with the AJAX call doesn't mean that is the final cart that is used for the checkout. Things (like apps) can interrupt the default flows.

Sharing a store link and replication steps would go some ways to giving the forum members something tangible to look at.

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. http://freakdesign.com.au ★
6 0 3
I wish there was a way to replicate this — but I cannot find a pattern. We get about a thousand orders each month, and of those maybe 4-5 will have this issue. We have no apps that modify the cart contents before or during checkout. I was just hoping to hear if anyone else had ever had this issue since it’s really baffling.
6 0 3
Jason, thanks again for your response. While I cannot provide replication instructions as there aren't any, I can provide a link to the store. https://www.modernhousenumbers.com/products/house-numbers-letters As you can see, the properties (finish, numbers, font) show up in the fly-out cart, and carry over to the shopify-hosted checkout page. There are no opportunities that I'm aware of to modify the properties once they're in the cart -- you can only remove the entire line. The issue is that just about 5 times a month, or about .5% of the time, when we actually open the order in shopify the properties are simply not there. If this was a coding error on our side, you would think it would show up a whole lot more often and predictably. Additionally I've add a post-cart-add hook that records the payload that shopify sends back, and in every case the properties are reflected. So it just really feels like a bug on the shopify end; it's hard to see how browser differences could be a factor.