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Orders API returns just one order

Orders API returns just one order

3 0 2

I'm using the orders API to retrieve all orders 

GET /admin/api/2020-01/orders.json 

 But am just returning one result  and not my entire list of orders. 


Is there something I'm doing wrong? 

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
36 4 8



I can help you, first of all, do you actually have more than one order, right? xD


Any details more?

How you are doing this request, via postman?

Could you post here how are you doing the request so i can replicate here?

3 0 2
yes we have around 20 orders.

I'm doing a GET request using my api key and pw


into a tool called parabola.
Shopify Partner
36 4 8

Well  "/admin/api/2020-01/orders/count.json" is just for counting the number of orders,


I tried just that route, it works fine in counting my orders, and i also tried "/admin/api/2020-01/orders.json" that flawlessly bring back the 50 default last orders.


You should try postman, i do not know about that tool you're using, give postman a try: https://www.getpostman.com/

3 0 2

I figured it out - I had to add ?status=any to the end of the request and that pulled it all in. Oddly it only seems to pull unfulfilled as standard


40 0 80

Hey @SingingStork!

I hope that you've given our new native Shopify integration a try. Should make things far easier for you than trying to navigate Shopify's APIs.