Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
Hi everyone!
I need to apply a Selling Plan for a specific customer. The flow I'm thinking is depicted below - considering a single item for purchase:
The adjusted price needs to be calculated prior the creation of the Selling Plan and is specific for the customer.
I need to create a Selling Plan for a single item and with its price adjusted for a specific customer.
Is there any way of achieving this behavior?
I want to use the Pre-Order category of the Sellin Plan Group to benefit of its features but I couldn't find a way of doing it in the Shopify Pre-order and Selling Plan API docs.
Using automatic discounts and Shopify Functions would be the best way to go?
Hey Elia,
I asked my technical co-founders about your scenario and they don't think creating a selling plan per customer would be a good idea.
A discount code as you've suggested, would be much easier.
If you want to generate it live, have you looked into using the API to create a code for each customer when they go to purchase?
What are your other requirements? We run a pre-order and partial pay app, and I'm always looking to understand the different pre-order edge cases out there. (E.g. Is this for wholesale?)
Hi Jo,
Thank you for your time in answering the question.
Yes. Currently I'm using the API to apply a discount for the customer on checkout.
I was just exploring the capabilities of the Sales Plan API and thought it could be an alternative to change the price of merchandise at checkout for each customer.