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Recreating Sales Over Time report from Shopify UI

Recreating Sales Over Time report from Shopify UI

7 0 1

Hi team, 

I'm trying to re-create the 'Sales over Time' report from the Shopify front end, but I can't seem to recreate it properly through the data in the API. There seems to be a lot of complexities causing 'total sales' to not be correct.

For example, querying the Order API, if two transactions take place in the same order, they both get returned as the same same 'Order'. However, the transactions API doesn't seem to give me what I need either. Would really appreciate some support on this!

Thanks so much

Replies 2 (2)

7 0 1

Hi, no sales please, I just want help figuring out the problem.

Shopify Partner
612 49 107

Hi There,

The solution I offered wasn't really sales, our app is free and would save you countless hours of figuring it out yourself.

If you're determined to figure it out, I would start here - https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/reports-and-analytics/shopify-reports/report-types/sales-report. This provides you the calculations at a high level. But we spent hundreds of hours getting all of these numbers exactly right under all of the different circumstances (refunds, partial refunds, shipping refunds, taxes included, etc.). Good luck!