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Reports API

Reports API

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

How To Get The Reports By API ?

I need daily basis reports data like total sales, total orders, gross sales, profit, discounts etc.

as per daily basis.

Replies 16 (16)

Shopify Partner
611 49 106

Shopify does not allow access to these reports via API. They used to via ShopifyQL, but this API has been discontinued. The only alternative via the Shopify API is to use the REST or GraphQL API and aggregate the data yourself.

Shopify Partner
9 0 1

So they do or don't provide the ability to pull report information via the API? It's not clear to me based on above. If they do provide via REST Admin API, which resource would you recommend? Because the Report Resources (this link) seem to give only information about the report, not the report data itself. 


Thanks in advance.

Shopify Partner
611 49 106

They do not provide the ability to pull report results via the API. The only way to get that information via the API is to call the order API and add stuff up yourself. 

Shopify Partner
9 0 1

Makes sense, and this is helpful. 


Have you been able to arrive at certain stock reports they provide through this method? 


For example, using Orders data and merging/joining to recreate the Sales Attributed to Marketing Report?

Shopify Partner
611 49 106

Yes, we have gathered this data using the Admin REST API. But we have a reporting app in the Shopify App Store, so that's what we do.

New Member
8 0 0

Can you please provide general steps to get Total Sales data for a date via Order or reports API. No where in Shopify document I can find this information. This is the most common test case most of our customer's use. 

Shopify Partner
611 49 106

You would need to use the Shopify admin API - either REST or GraphQL. https://shopify.dev/api/admin

We have a reporting app where you could get this info via API. Please let me know if you’d be interested in this as an option. 

Shopify Partner
9 0 1

I would be interested in this option. Can you describe the Reporting App for me more? 

Shopify Partner
611 49 106

Hi there - our app is called Report Toaster. It allows you choose from our 100+ report templates and make custom reports with any of your Shopify data. We also have a lot of features like scheduled reports, shared links and calculated fields. Feel free to check it out and let us know if we can help.

Shopify Partner
9 0 1

Got it, this is helpful. I might have some more questions @CloudlabSam but appreciate the help for now!

Shopify Partner
611 49 106

Anytime. Just message me if you need help. 

7 0 2

Does this provide REST endpoints? IF not. Why are we providing these Apps,What purpose it solves ? we need REST API which is Orders API but nowhere there are steps on how to match with sales report....Strangely, Shopify is pointing to all these apps. All I wanted was how to get total sales and reports from Orders API. All you provide is OrdersAPI which does not match with total sales and refunds on the sales report. almost every Post is asking for it. how to get it via Order's API? These are REST endpoints shouldn't Shopify provide the steps to calculate 

these? Instead, every time the answer is goto order API and figure it out yourself.  Shouldn't Shopify provide exact steps to use these API that matches the total sales and returns on the sales report ?

Just give us a POSTMAN collection of Total sales and return via Orders API instead of asking customers to figure out their own. Or at least provide basic steps ( Via Orders REST API).

Life will be much simpler if Shopify can provide a basic POSTMAN collection for their OWN Order API which does basic stuff i.e calculate the total sales and refunds for specific dates that will match the Sales report on Shopify. currently, I am getting close, but they are not an exact match.

thank you.

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

did you solve this problem

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Did you ever figure this out?

1 0 0

i am struggling with the same thing. i just need a postman collection to get started. there is no reason shopify should be keeping this from us. it would be so easy to share 

New Member
8 0 0

Did you find solution on this, if yes please share as this is a most common test case.