Retrieving files uploaded through apps as: Uploadery and UploadKit through api

Retrieving files uploaded through apps as: Uploadery and UploadKit through api

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Hey guys, I've been searching this forum for this question or something similar but couldn't find any so here I am.

On my website customers can upload a photo on the product page. This is enabled by an app called UploadKit (Uploadery provides the same functionality). Now I want to fetch all orders INCLUDING this uploaded photo.

The desired result is an api call (graphQL preferred) that will give me all the orders details and per order also the uploaded photo. Does anyone have any experience with this? or any suggestions?

Thanks in advance! All help is appreciated!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1829 272 417

Hey @jamahlmd,


It would depend on how they store the image URL. I suspect they store it as a line item property, which you can access through LineItem.customAttributes:



query {
  orders {
    edges {
      node {
        lineItems {
          edges {
            node {
              customAttributes {




Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify