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Re: Shopify Discount Function - Missing i18n manager

Shopify Discount Function - Missing i18n manager

Shopify Partner
1854 215 261

Hi Guys, 


I tried following this tutorial https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/selling-strategies/discounts/discount-function-examples/order-minimum-... to Create Shopify Discount Function app 


After following all of the steps I am getting following error:



Can anyone help me with this?


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Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
86 10 13

I think adding I18nContext to `app/routes/app.jsx` as follows will solve the problem.


import {I18nContext, I18nManager} from '@shopify/react-i18n';  // <-- add code

export default function App() {
  const { apiKey, host } = useLoaderData();
  const [config] = useState({ host, apiKey });
  const i18nManager = new I18nManager({   // <-- add code
    locale: 'en'

  return (
    <AppProvider isEmbeddedApp apiKey={apiKey}>
      <I18nContext.Provider value={i18nManager}>   // <-- add code
          <Outlet />
      </I18nContext.Provider>.                     // <-- add code


Shopify Partner
6 0 0

I have tried adding the same code, but I still encounter an error.




Shopify Partner
9 0 0

I had the same issue until I realized <Outlet/> was not inside the DiscountProvider Tag.  Should be

<AppProvider isEmbeddedApp apiKey={apiKey}>
        <Outlet />
and I mistakenly had it as
<AppProvider isEmbeddedApp apiKey={apiKey}>
      <Outlet />
Once I did this I did not need the I18nContext.Provider at all