Trying to send a customer to the order status page with WorldPay Offsite/ Checkout ID

Trying to send a customer to the order status page with WorldPay Offsite/ Checkout ID

2 0 1

Hello, I am currently trying to send a customer with a successful payment using the WorldPay Offsite but the WorldPay Offsite tech support are adamant that it is not possible to send a user to the order status page and can only send them back to a static page of my choosing (by modifying their success page with a meta refresh redirect).

This is quite the issue as my client needs me to send customers to the order status page for the conversion tracker to pickup.

In relation to Shopify, the only connection I have to it is that I have the checkout ID/ Checkout number so I think I would need to figure out a way to search for the order number using the Checkout number only as some sort of parameter in a query. (maybe send the customers from worldpay over to a Shopify page with. the chekcout number as a url parameter, which pulls the parameter to do an API search using the checkout number or something) 


Once I get the order number I can create the link to the order status page and redirect the customer to there.
Is there a better way to do this, or is it even possible?


Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 14.45.30.pngshopify-admin-checkout-number.png

Replies 2 (2)

3 0 0

Hi there, has anyone found a solution for this? Stuck in the exact same boat whereby customers are left on WorldPay's confirmation page and nothing is being picked up in analytics. Just want to send them back to Shopify's confirmation page...

Shopify Partner
7 1 0

I appreciate this is an old thread but I can confirm that I am seeing the same issue on two stores I work with using Worldpay Offsite and neither Shopify support or Worldpay support have been willing or able to help. There is an even worse side effect when returning the customer to a static page that although the payment is complete and the order is marked as complete, the customer's products are left in the Shopify basket which could be really confusing and may start payment process again.