Discussing APIs and development related to customers, discounts, and order management.
url: https://admin.shopify.com/store/{store}/reports/sales_by_product_name?since=-30d&until=today
1 thing I can find is that we need to use the ShopifyQL which needs a merchant to be subscribed as Shopify Plus. I already tried the Order REST API and map the line_items to get the Gross Sales but the data is not the same
Hi Yuriih1,
There's no direct API access to get the report data that is available in the admin. To replicate these kinds of reports you you could either use ShopifyQL to create your own reports (but this is available for Plus stores only), or use data received from the order API, but the reports may not match up 100%.
Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
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is there any reference/code snippet how to get the total sales of each product from the data received from the Order API?