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Rif.: importazione prodotti con csv

importazione prodotti con csv

1 0 0

Dopo fatto importazione dei prodotti con csv nel shopify non vedo i prodotti come mai


3 0 1

Hai utilizzato Store Importer? Noi stiamo migrando a shopify e con i prodotti stiamo testando Excelify:

Sembra funzionare correttamente

Shopify Partner
310 32 369

Hello @marioxxx and @ManuFran 

Renars here from Matrixify (Excelify) app.
Thank you for suggesting the use of Matrixify (Excelify) @ManuFran 
Sorry about replying in English here.

You sure can import Products with our app!
I would suggest starting with going through our "How it works" page and video as it explains the basics of using the app and importing/exporting data.

Here we also do have a great tutorial that explains the basics of constructing Products file and importing Products specifically - How to bulk import Products to Shopify fast from any file.

Of course, if you have any questions or issues with the app, feel free to reach out to us directly.

Matrixify | Bulk Import Export Update | |