How do I display specific navigation content depending on who's signed in.

How do I display specific navigation content depending on who's signed in.

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I'm setting up a B2B wholesale channel and noticed a few things.

  • Only customer's that have a pricelist for the location they're ordering for are able to see the specific products.
  • They are not able to see products that are not on the pricelist
  • No results pop up in the search for those products they're not able to see
  • They are still able to see the collection the product is a part of in the navigation menu
  • When they click on that collection, a page pops up showing the Collections name in the title and "No products found"

I was wondering how I would go about removing the specific collection(s) from the navigation menu entirely to reflect the collections/products they have access to.

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Hi @Tleandre ,


Before getting in detail you have to decide how you are relating a customer with pricelist.


This mapping can be done based on user type or users country.


If you have more complex rules of defining pricelist you should choose store level metafield.


Now all you need to do is tag your customers with that key or tag.


Now once user is logged in match him with your pricelist rules or key.


You can remove via skiping the code or hide using the css.


Skiping code would be more complex but would be best.


Hiding using css is easy but not recommended.


Hope it helps...


Let me know if you have any query or confusion.

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