Moving overseas to work remotely while running my e-com store (dropshipping business model)

Moving overseas to work remotely while running my e-com store (dropshipping business model)

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Hi there, 


I hope you are doing well. I am from Ecuador and have been living in Australia for 5 years now, my visa will expire in July and I will not reside in Australia anymore. I am planning to move overseas (to Bali and then to Europe) and my plan is to working remotely and run my dropshipping business from anywhere. My questions regarding Shopify is

- As I have mentioned before, all the business and personal details are currently from my location in Australia. But, since I'll be moving around, how can I manage those details without having any issue during my trips? I'm not staying in Bali for more than 6 months and then in Spain I'll stay for at least a year.

Thanks so much for your help.


Reply 1 (1)

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Maybe Australia has an online mailbox app you could use? For example I use Traveling Mailbox in the US, maybe there's a similar company serving Australia.


Aside from that, I would think as long as your bank or form of receiving payments remains the same, it would not matter where your physical location is.

• Creator of Shopify automation apps Order Automator + Product Automator [apps that save you time + money]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
• I also make guides like Shopify Automation Tips and How to Figure Out Why You're Not Getting Sales