Re: What payment provider can I use for my dropshipping site in Moldova?

What payment provider can I use for my dropshipping site in Moldova?

New Member
6 0 0

Good afternoon!

I want to start a dropshipping website, I have it ready to publish.

I just need to add a payment option.
Since I am in Moldova I don't know which provider I should use.

Shopify offers a large list of payment providers but none of them allows me to add them conveniently.

Payoneer refused me also because I am in Moldova although Shopify offers them as possible to use.

Which provider can you recommend for Moldova?

Provider Billwerk+ confirmed me a possible connection but the plugin in Shopify is blocked for my country although it offers it as an option to use as payments on my site.
How can this be? And can you open access for Moldova as well?

Because based on the proposed providers none of them allows to receive payments.
And then the only option to receive payments physically at the client, which is unrealistic if I sell globally.

The question then which provider should I choose to make everything work remains open?

Is there any possibility to open access to Shopify Payments for my store?

Replies 23 (23)

Shopify Staff
2067 273 254

Hi @SomeUser777,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community! I'm happy to provide some assistance with this request, to ensure it gets resolved.


To share some insight, Shopify has integrated with over 100 different third-party payment providers to allow you to continue accepting credit cards online. Due to this, I recommend checking out our list of all available payment providers within Moldova. We currently offer over 20 different third-party payment providers within this country and encourage you to review this list in order to select a provider that best fits your shops needs.


While you have connected with a few providers already, we encourage you to browse the list shared above for a payment gateway that works for your business needs. For any questions that you may have regarding a specific payment provider, I encourage you to connect with them directly.


To learn more about how you can connect a payment gateway to your shopyou can check our Third-Party Payment Providers documentation as it touches on this further.  


Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Blair | Shopify 
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New Member
6 0 0

Hi, @Blair 

Thanks for your response!

I know about that list of all available payment providers within Moldova.

But actually many of them doesn't work in Moldova

As an example:

  • - Offsite Payments
  • Revolut Payment Gateway
  • Revolut Pay
  • MONEI Payments
  • Payoneer Checkout

And how to resolve it and get payments on my Shopify website I don't know.

Shopify Partner
22 0 1

Hi SomeUser777,

Did you find a solution to your question?

New Member
6 0 0

So sad, but NO

3 0 1

Incearca sa-ti faci card romanesc si cu el o sa poti integra Stripe (daca ai cetatenie romana). Daca doresti ajutor sa-ti faci card romanesc poti incerca sa te consulti la nr +37379555993. Eu mi-am facut cardul roamnesc cu ajutorul acestei firme si Stripe mi-a aprobat cererea.

Shopify Partner
22 0 1

Se cauta o modalitate legal valabila. Atunci cand trebuie sa incasezi pe firma, nu mai functioneaza lucrurile cu cetatenia romana si card deschis in banca romaneasca. Sa speram ca vor apare careva posibilitati...

3 0 1

Pai incasezi pe SRL ca proprietar cu cetatenie dubla din contul de banca romanesc. Nu e ilegal

1 0 0

Salut, as putea te rog sa iau cumva legatura cu tine pentru o scurta consultare? o sa fiu foarte recunoscator, multumesc.


3 0 1


New Member
5 0 0

Hi, you can use RunPay solution ( or  or 079050144) for acceptimg Visa/Mastercrd payments.

For technical integraton you should use - the official Shopify partner in Moldova

Best regards,

New Member
5 0 0

Hi, you can use RunPay solution ( or  or 079050144) for acceptimg Visa/Mastercrd payments.

For technical integraton you should use - the official Shopify partner in Moldova

Best regards,
Shopify Partner
22 0 1

Hello, RunPay,

The integration of these guys is not official and can stop working at any moment. Not to mention that the price they are asking for is quite high. 750 euros for an integration is still too much.

PS: according to the Shopify Partners directory, the Republic of Moldova doesn’t have any official partners.

2 0 1

did you find a solution?


1 0 0

Salut, ma aflu și eu din Moldova și Tare ași dori să lucrez cu Shopify, vreau doar să știu de la tine cum sa ma folosesc corect de la început pentru a avea succes în contul meu de Shopify. Vreau să-mi spui totul ce știi de la Shopify. Te rog aștept răspunsul tău. Mulțumesc mult!!


Shopify Partner
22 0 1

Salutare! La moment nu exista vreo solutie nativa pentru R.Moldova. Daca ai cetatenie romaneasca, poti merge pe firma din Romania si atunci vei avea posibilitate sa folosesti Shopify Payments.

New Member
5 0 0

Solutia de la Dot Team - este una pentru Moldova. Foarte curand ea va fi accesibila prin intermediul instrumentelor standarde de  la Shopify. Actualmente Dot Team face integrare in mod manula, dar este oficial pentru Moldova

Best regards,
Shopify Partner
22 0 1

Cat timp nu apare in store-ul oficial de la Shopify si se face pe cale manuala, nu o poti numi oficiala. De ce induci lumea in eroare?

New Member
5 0 0

RunPay+DotTeam - tne one and anly solution as fo now.

Best regards,
Shopify Partner
22 0 1

Solutia propusa este una mai putin oficiala care trage dupa sine anumite inconveniente.

Daca ar fi sa merg pe varianta cu "greble", as alege varianta celor de la Paynet, care cel putin nu e atat de costisitoare.

New Member
5 0 0

They are official partners and can prove it for you if you will ask.

Best regards,
Shopify Partner
22 0 1

Baga linkul catre profilul lor.

Oricat nu i-am cautat in , nu i-am putut gasi.

2 0 1

Bro daca ai documente românești în special pașaport poți să schimbi locația la store pe Romania să-ți faci un card wise in euro și o sa ai shopify paymantes și nu o sa fie nici o problema 

2 0 0

bro, how reliable is that? I mean have you tried working like that? If yes, then for how long and did Wise or Shopify payments tried to freeze your account to have some proofs of your legal company or something else (as paypal frequently does)?