Where can I find a branded auto detailing supplies wholesaler?

Where can I find a branded auto detailing supplies wholesaler?

6 0 2

I am looking for a wholesaler for auto-detailing supplies that does branding. I run an auto-detailing website where we sell services but I am interested in adding physical products to the website to sell without keeping inventory in my shop.

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Shopify Partner
493 2 42

Hi @HemisGeneral 

You can find auto parts and accessories on Syncee Marketplace:


Syncee - Global Dropshipping
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6 0 2

Thank you for your suggestion. As I found a lot of good automotive products on your site I didn't quite find what I was looking for. Is there an easier way to find car cleaning products on your site?

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1823 56 281

Hi @HemisGeneral 


Please check these 3 suppliers.





6 0 2

Thank you this was helpful.

Shopify Partner
256 3 22

Check the following suppliers but confirm with them they do branding :


Turn 14

Western Power Sports



We are working with over 4,000 Dropshipping suppliers if you are looking specifically for products from the US, Australia, and Europe.

Get a free consultation here: Reliable dropshipping supplier for your Shopify store - Dropship Corporation

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Hello! We can certainly help you source your auto-detailing products and fulfill it for you at a very low shipping cost. Our quotes are a lot better than AliExpress. We can send you samples too to check the quality. We can make private labelling and branding!

We are a dropshipping and fulfillment solutions center based in China and have a vast network of connections to the best manufacturers and supplier chains of various products. We are currently growing and we handle 600+ dropshipping stores of various niches in different platform: Shopify, Woocommerce, eBay and Amazon USA. We can do automated dropshipping and fulfillment while you can focus on advertising your products. Our huge warehouse can accommodate all your items and we can store it for FREE if you buy stocks in advance.

Our exclusive shipping, Private Line, can deliver your product anywhere in the world. Our average WORLDWIDE via PRIVATE LINE is 7-10 days! Aside from that, we also offer branding and private labelling services for your custom packaging. We also offer professional product photography at a very inexpensive price, yet amazing quality.

Global Fulfillment & Dropshipping Services
Email Support: Info@fulfillman.com
Skype: Fulfillman - Support
6 0 2

This was very helpful, you have lots of automobile drop shipping items. I am not sure it is exactly what i am looking for but is still a vary good option for quality drop shipping items. Thank you

1 0 0


I understand this may be a bit late but have you contacted ValetPRO in Newhaven they ship globally and as I understand you get 20% discount for retail goods

197 9 63

Hello @HemisGeneral ,


You can find your required items at Dropshipmate ,
Here, you can easily import products from more than one supplier and you can Fulfill Orders Automatically with one click



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