Why aren't my active mode payments showing at checkout?

Why aren't my active mode payments showing at checkout?

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my shopify payments doesnt show in checkout in active mode but in test mode yes an i have verified everything what is it?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
2550 460 419

Hey @Simon108.
Thanks for reaching out. 
I appreciate the context that you have shared as that is very helpful! When you navigate to your checkout without the test mode enabled for the Shopify Payments gateway, are you receiving any specific error messages? Also, would you be able to share your online store URL? As this information will allow me to assist you accordingly. 
Looking forward to your response. 

Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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2 0 0

No when i enable test mode i didnt receive any error messages here is my store address https://handyscrubgun.myshopify.com

Shopify Staff
2550 460 419

Hey @Simon108.
Thanks for the quick response. 
When I navigated to your online store checkout, I did notice that PayPal was an available payment method. With that being said, in order to have Shopify Payments available at the checkout, you will need to disable test mode. If the Shopify Payments does not appear after disabling the test mode on the gateway. I would suggest speaking with our live support to have a further look into the set up of the gateway. 
You can speak with our live support by navigating to the Help Center. When you arrive at the Help Center, you will need to let the virtual assistant aware that you would like to Speak with Support and you will be connected accordingly.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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