Re: Add to cart and Purchase not getting attributed to Meta Advert

Add to cart and Purchase not getting attributed to Meta Advert

Shopify Partner
4 0 0

We have recently launched a new Meta campaign and we have seen some good sales, mainly from new customers who have been engaging with our ads, but very few purchases or add-to-carts have been attributed to an ad.


GA4 records 51 add-to-carts, but only 5 have been attributed in Meta Ads Manager (3 of which were me running tests). GA4 records 23 purchases but with only 3 attributed to the ads. 


We have run the campaign three times now to see if that would resolve the issue, but the same thing happens every time. Good sales numbers, but little or zero ad attribution.


I understand a huge number of people have opted out of mobile device tracking since IOS 14, so there will be some lost tracking, but from the experts I have spoken to we should be getting much larger advert attribution. We also have Zapier offline conversions set up, but this hasn't added any additional data. The only conclusion I can make is that there is an issue with the way the Pixel (which I have reinstalled twice now) and Meta connection is sending data from Shopify. 


our site:

We are using the Switch, Cascade Shopify theme.


We have added a gift wrap and gift message app (Wrapin App) with a customer code to the pop-out cart, but I'm not sure if that would affect anything.


Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are currently burning money on ads that may not be converting and we are unable to scale any the ads that are working.

Replies 4 (4)
Shopify Partner
4 0 0

Hey @nikhilpro , thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, the issue is that although we have seen a decent spike in sales from our ads, they haven't been attributed to our ads. Meaning that we have no ROAS data (only CPC and CTR) in Ads Manager. As a result, we don't know which of our multiple ads to scale and which ones to turn off. 


Shopify Partner
4 0 0

I have relinked the pixel three times and ran Meta Pixel Helper and the Testing tool in Events Manager and everything seemed to be firing and working fine. I also have UTM tags in all the ads. So a bit stumped.  

Shopify Partner
4 0 0

We have just assumed that they are from the ads as they are from new customers, can you track a purchase directly back to an ad? How would I do that?


6 0 2

Did you ever solve this?