Did you know, 87% of first-time buyers never come back for seconds

Did you know, 87% of first-time buyers never come back for seconds

34 0 9

87% of first-time buyers never come back for seconds. Isn't that sad?


What are you doing to keep customers returning to your store?

Stats come from our data scientists overseeing online stores.
Want more store sales, return customers, site conversions?
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Shopify Partner
11 0 1


You can customize the pop-up form when leaving the ordering page. It is important to show the relevant message with useful information for the buyer. Maybe, pop-up form with good offer.

34 0 9

This is a good sales booster!

Want more store sales, return customers, site conversions?
Try Aument free: apps.shopify.com/aument-platform

Shopify Partner
29 0 0

Hi @Aument 

This might help it's an article called  " Ten Ways to Increase Customer Retention and Promote Repeat Sales."

Hope it helps.

Delloop solves issues central to eCommerce - lack of repeat sales, costly customer acquisition, low customer retention, friction during pre and post-sales, spiralling service costs and low levels of customer loyalty - all through smarter and more relevant Retailer-Customer Engagement.