Facebook Product Feed – Sent different image than Primary

Facebook Product Feed – Sent different image than Primary

Shopify Partner
13 0 4

I have a question regarding sending certain product images in the Facebook Ads feed. I have a lot of development experience so I'm looking for a non-app solution for this. Hopefully you guys can help me! 


For every product I have a standard white-bg image. See the example down below. 



 And for most of my products, this is fine. But I have some products with a much nicer image: 



My question: Is it possible to tell the feed to send the normal image, but when I have a image in the image-list with a certain ALT-tag or title (ie. advanced-image) the feed/shopify recognizes the alt tag and overrules the main image with this nicer image I have. If that is possible I can assign that title or alt tag to the image. Other solutions would also be great. 


I hope this explains my question clearly, english is not my native language.


Thanks in advance!



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