Google Merchant [price] mismatch with coupon code price

Google Merchant [price] mismatch with coupon code price

Shopify Partner
199 1 60

We have a place on our product landing page that displays the price of the product you would pay AFTER adding a coupon code. This is not the standard price we use or want listed in google, but google is ignoring the schema data that we have submitted and grabbing the post-coupon code price from our Product Landing Page when it crawls our site, and then giving us a mismatch error, threatening to disable our google shopping account. 

Can anyone offer any insight about why this is happening? It is not the first price on the page (which is what google says it will look for), nor is it the largest font size price on the page. We would prefer not to redesign it because we AB tested this design for conversion rate. 

[price](submitted to google):$198
price in page schema: $198
Google mismatch error says "Price on your site" $148.50

Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 11.49.17 AM.png

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
3532 270 842

You can not show prices with a discount based on coupon on the product landing page. Google as you already experience will create issues.


The data feed info, structured data and product landing page visually all must show the exact same price only.


Remove the discounted price and you will see it works.


Only show a discounted price, if you have a sale price and you are submitting both the original and sale price to Google.

Get in touch with Emmanuel: a Google Shopping Specialist, Google Ads Diamond Product Expert, and also a a Google Product Expert Education 2021 & Tailwind 2023 Award winner.
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