Re: GTM active before Shopify Cookiebanner?

GTM active before Shopify Cookiebanner?

Shopify Partner
19 0 8


Our IT informed us that at the moment the Google Tag Manager and everything inside it are run before the Shopify Cookiebanner is activated. So, all tracking scripts that are added through GTM are executed even when the user declines tracking, as they are executed before the banner has time to stop them; the banner only activates afterwards.

Is this correct, and if so, doesn't that negate the usefulness of the cookie banner? If this is not expected behaviour (as I assume it would not be), can anyone point us to the correct way to implement GTM in Shopify, if at all possible and recommended?

Additionally, if we were to decide to stop using GTM, could anyone point us to resources on how to implement certain external scripts (for example: Clarity, tracking of affiliate conversions for commission purposes, etc.)?

I'm looking for general information on how to implement external scripts in Shopify without using GTM, not specific instructions on how to implement the examples given 🙂

Looking forward to your input,

Kind regards

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
19 0 8

P.s. we use the Google & YouTube  Channel-App, is it possible to disable GTM and the GTM-Datalayer whilst using this channel?

Shopify Partner
195 30 37

Hi @Usernames 


This is Mike from Consentik

 If you are using Google & Youtube channel, it now sending a wrong consent event to Google. I dont know why Google has not fixed it.

Have you implemented  Google Consent Mode V2 to your store, yet?

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Consentik GDPR Cookie Banner: Effortlessly stay in compliance with EU GDPR and CCPA with Google Consent Mode V2. Free plan available and 24/7 Support