How can I fix duplicate meta descriptions and blocked pages on my site?

How can I fix duplicate meta descriptions and blocked pages on my site?

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Hello everyone! I have a few SEO issues:


1. I did a scan on Ubersuggest and was informed 13 pages with duplicate meta data.  I noticed the duplicates are from collections with multiple pages. For example, Rolling Trays has 3 pages in the collection, so both have the same meta descriptions, same with a few other categories. Is there a way to fix this? I can follow directions, but am not knowledgable with coding, but any help is appreciated. 


2. I have 8 pages being blocked from appearing in search engines. The pages are the cart, terms of service, return policy, etc. None of the pages are product pages. Any way to correct this? I read on a previous post to add this to the theme.liquid layout field:


{% if template contains 'search' %}

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

{% endif %}


But it did not fix the issue.


3. Poorly formatted URL for SEO --> These are again product collections with multiple pages, rolling trays x 3 pages, tumblers x 2 pages, etc.  Anyway to change the URL for each page of a collection?


4. No meta description for collection pages, there are 7 pages. Can you add a meta description for each collection page?


I appreciate any help from anyone! Thank you in advance, your time and knowledge is appreciated. 



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Hello @JoCoCustomDesig,


I am Gina from flareAI app helping Shopify merchants get $5Million+ in sales from Google Search, on autopilot. I am here to support you.

1. To fix the issue of duplicate meta descriptions on collection pages with multiple pages, you can add a custom meta description for each page. To do this, go to the collection page in your Shopify admin, click on "Edit website SEO" under "Search engine listing preview", and add a unique meta description for each page.

2. If you want to unblock the pages from search engines, you can remove the "noindex" tag from the meta robots tag. Adding "noindex" will block your page from indexing by search engines. Remove the following code from the theme.liquid:

{% if template contains 'search' %}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
{% endif %}

3. To change the URL for each page of a collection, you can add a page handle to the end of the collection URL. For example, if your collection URL is "rolling-trays", you can add a page handle like "rolling-trays?page=2" for the second page of the collection. To do this, go to the collection page in your Shopify admin, click on "Edit website SEO" under "Search engine listing preview", and add the page handle to the end of the URL in the "URL and handle" field.

4. To add a meta description for each collection page, follow the steps in step 1 above and add a unique meta description for each page. This will help improve the SEO of your collection pages and make them more attractive to search engines and potential customers.

I hope this is useful.


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