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Re: SEO TIP: Easy pagination fix


How can I fix the pagination error on my Shopify theme?

Shopify Partner
135 13 64

As a relatively new optimizer on Shopify solutions - byt a really old school geeky SEO 🙂 I am have been going through a long list of things that I KNOW is better for SEO but Shopify is (depending on theme) not doing by default. Most of my current work is based on the new Dawn theme that I do like because of the full SO2.0 support/structure and the great initial speed. . 

Today I got to the the annoying pagination "error" Shopify makes.

In both the previous link and the page one link in pagination ?page=1 is used. This way we end up with two identical URL's for the first page in a paginated series. That is not good. And to top it up, the default CANONICAl is self-referencing, so the page=1 page get a CANONICAL to this! Argh!

I guess you already know that is really bad for SEO. But how do you fix it?

After trying different things - first a few conditional scripts, I came up with this super simple solution. After all - the simplest solutions are often best. KISS.

I edit the pagination.liquid file and insert this filter on both previous link (<) and the numbered links

| remove: "?page=1"


You do not even need to make it conditional because it only removes ?page=1 which is only present on the relevant links. For the other the filter do nothing. Not using a condition makes it faster to execute. 

So my full pagination.liquid file end up like this - and it works great 🙂

{% comment %}
    Renders a set of links for paginated results. Must be used within paginate tags.

    {% paginate results by 2 %}
      {% render 'pagination', paginate: paginate, anchor: '#yourID' %}
    {% endpaginate %}

    - paginate: {Object}
    - anchor: {String} (optional) This can be added so that on page reload it takes you to wherever you've placed your anchor tag.
{% endcomment %}

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-pagination.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="'all'">
<noscript>{{ 'component-pagination.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>

{%- if > 0 -%}
  <div class="pagination-wrapper">
    <nav class="pagination" role="navigation" aria-label="{{ 'general.pagination.label' | t }}">
      <ul class="pagination__list list-unstyled" role="list">
      {%- if paginate.previous -%}
          <a href="{{ paginate.previous.url | remove: "?page=1"}}{{ anchor }}" class="pagination__item pagination__item--next pagination__item-arrow link motion-reduce" aria-label="{{ 'general.pagination.previous' | t }}">
            {% render 'icon-caret' %}
      {%- endif -%}

      {%- for part in -%}
          {%- if part.is_link -%}
            <a href="{{ part.url | remove: "?page=1"}}{{ anchor }}" class="pagination__item link" aria-label="{{ '' | t: number: part.title }}">{{ part.title }}</a>
          {%- else -%}
            {%- if part.title == paginate.current_page -%}
              <span class="pagination__item pagination__item--current" aria-current="page" aria-label="{{ '' | t: number: part.title }}">{{ part.title }}</span>
            {%- else -%}
              <span class="pagination__item">{{ part.title }}</span>
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endif -%}
      {%- endfor -%}

      {%- if -%}
          <a href="{{ }}{{ anchor }}" class="pagination__item pagination__item--prev pagination__item-arrow link motion-reduce" aria-label="{{ '' | t }}" >
            {%- render 'icon-caret' -%}
      {%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}


I hope you can use this 🙂


SEO Geek since 1996, consultant author and public speaker. Admin of the Shopify SEO Facebook Group

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Shopify Partner
135 13 64

This is an accepted solution.

There is actually one more thing that have to be fixed - that I first overlooked. That is the link prev/next property in the header.

<link rel="prev" href="/collections/vases?page=1">
<link rel="next" href="/collections/vases?page=3">


With this code in place Google still see the link to pages=1 and therefore increase the risk of DC-issues. So I need to get that fixed as well. However, I have still not found where this header code is actually generated, so I can adjust it. Maybe you know?

SEO Geek since 1996, consultant author and public speaker. Admin of the Shopify SEO Facebook Group

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Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
135 13 64

This is an accepted solution.

There is actually one more thing that have to be fixed - that I first overlooked. That is the link prev/next property in the header.

<link rel="prev" href="/collections/vases?page=1">
<link rel="next" href="/collections/vases?page=3">


With this code in place Google still see the link to pages=1 and therefore increase the risk of DC-issues. So I need to get that fixed as well. However, I have still not found where this header code is actually generated, so I can adjust it. Maybe you know?

SEO Geek since 1996, consultant author and public speaker. Admin of the Shopify SEO Facebook Group

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Hey Demib,


I have tried the same solution, my store has a flow theme but that does not fix my problem, Let me explain.

We use the infinite scroll (I think which is a default option ) but scrolling to the bottom to reload new pages causes the URL to change to the page 2 URL. I don't want that. I have tried scripts to of removing URL parameters (| split"?"| first )but it didn't work (I have tried it on all the pages using "paginate"). 

Moreover, Screaming fog is giving the error of canonical page. 1 and home page. I have tried the same solution but it didn't help me. Kindly tell me what to do 



Shopify Partner
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