How can I promote guest checkout on my ecommerce site?

How can I promote guest checkout on my ecommerce site?

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I want to let our customers explicitly know that they don't have to create an account to make a purchase.

Currently we use Editions by (Pixel Union). I would like to add a sentence underneath the "Contact Information" header" pictured below. Can anyone help me?

Guest Checkout.jpg

Replies 2 (2)

Community Manager
290 76 256



Thanks for bringing your question to the Community. I understand you’re trying to add a fine print so customers will be informed that no account is needed for a purchase.


You can add a phrase like “No account needed” following Contact Information by Changing the wording in the theme · Shopify Help Center.


Checkout_no account needed.png



Please log in your store backend, and follow the steps:


1. Click Online store > Themes > Actions.
2. Select Edit languages.
3. Search Contact Information.
4. Edit the wording in Contact method title field as needed.
5. Dont’ forget to click Save to confirm the change.


checkout_no account Lang edit.png



You can contact the theme designers for more specific setup regarding the fine print below Contact Information. Here’s the theme documentation of Editions – Pixel Union for your reference.



Let me know if you have any questions!

JasonH | Community Manager

I help coordinate and curate Community content. Reach out if you have content idea!

Shopify Partner
163 9 16

Another addition perks you can offer guest checkout customers you can consider:

  • Order history to view past orders
  • Make 1-click repeat order from their order history

Yes, they can access these without customer account (no account, no login, no password) through the No-login Repeat Order PRO app.


Here is how it works:

1. Customer inserts their email address into a custom order history widget

2. App will send an one-time code (OTP) to the email address

3. Customer inserts the OTP in the order history widget

4. App confirms the OTP is correct and display the customer's order history based on the email address. 

5. Customers can make repeat order with 1-click from the order history widget.


You can try the app out on the Shopify app store for free here. I'm sure it will improve the user experience for your guest checkout customers 🙂





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