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how to add marketing platform on shopify app extension

how to add marketing platform on shopify app extension

Shopify Partner
2 0 1


As KINCIR Ads team, We are developing a Shopify App which integrates KINCIR Ads and Shopify platform.
while we create a marketing extension, in the marketing platform field have some marketing platforms but we cannot see ourselves in this list.
How can we be one of the marketing platform in the marketing platform list of Shopify ?



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
645 93 117

Hi @mucitx ,


I was trying to create a marketing extension for abandoned cart.

Do i need to use sms services or shopify will provide that?


Also, Can you provide the workflow on how the extension works?


Thank you

Sandeep Pangeni
Need help with your store? sandeeppangeni17@gmail.com
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