How to analyze GA4 and Shopify integration data?

How to analyze GA4 and Shopify integration data?

Shopify Partner
16 0 1

Hi there


I would like to perform integrated analysis of Shopify and GA.


I know that by using Google app, we would like to see conversion events on GA4, but i am not sure how the order was happened.


The best thing is that,

Shopify order #0001  look three pages, vist from organic search, female etc...


We would like to know that how many pages purchased customer see, where did they come from, what is the age of them, etc...


I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Hello MGMK,

You can see all data in google analytics 4 (GA4). If you correctly setup ga4 via google tag manager or code implement manually in your website. Like as below the pictures..



Google analytics 4 ecommerce tracking successfully setup.png



Kind Regards

Toriqul (Web analytics expert:
