How to change site navigation for optimal SEO?

How to change site navigation for optimal SEO?

Shopify Partner
159 3 89

I'm changing the elements in my nav. Most links will not be the same, however, the collections that are currently linked to will not be deleted. Also, the new links will link to collections that are for the most part already existing.


How should I go about this for SEO considerations? Can I just do it? Or is there something I need to do to not lose SEO value?


For example, I can't imagine that redirects come into play and therefore wouldn't know what redirects are appropriate to implement.


Am I being too cautious? Is there something to do in Google Webmaster Tools? Search Console? Something to do to the sitemaps that won't Shopify won't automatically do?



Reply 1 (1)

20 1 0

Hi there . I'm happy to help you out with this! I just have a few questions to begin to make sure I give you the most helpful advice.



i am here to help you out 


kindly provide me your store link and your store product page 


what are the marketing have you done on your store and have you make any sales before and how many sales have you make before 


i will be happy to hear from you 
