SEO, AdWords, affiliates, advertising, and promotions
Missing field "hasMerchantReturnPolicy" (in "offers")
Missing field "shippingDetails" (in "offers")
I found these two issues in Google Search Console. How can I resolve them? Can I directly add the corresponding structured data code in the product JSON file? If yes, what should be the code? Thank you.
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
Hello @Shawn512
To resolve this issue, you need to add the following code to your product JSON file:
"hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "value": true }
This code will tell Google that your product has a merchant return policy.
Missing field "shippingDetails" (in "offers")
To resolve this issue, you need to add the following code to your product JSON file:
"shippingDetails": { "type": "FreeShipping", "price": "0" }
This code will tell Google that your product offers free shipping.
Here is an example of a complete product JSON file with the required structured data:
{ "id": "123456", "title": "Product Name", "description": "Product Description", "price": "100.00", "currency": "USD", "image": "", "availability": "InStock", "offers": [ { "url": "", "price": "100.00", "currency": "USD", "quantity": "1", "hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "value": true }, "shippingDetails": { "type": "FreeShipping", "price": "0" } } ] }
This is an accepted solution.
Hello @Shawn512
To resolve this issue, you need to add the following code to your product JSON file:
"hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "value": true }
This code will tell Google that your product has a merchant return policy.
Missing field "shippingDetails" (in "offers")
To resolve this issue, you need to add the following code to your product JSON file:
"shippingDetails": { "type": "FreeShipping", "price": "0" }
This code will tell Google that your product offers free shipping.
Here is an example of a complete product JSON file with the required structured data:
{ "id": "123456", "title": "Product Name", "description": "Product Description", "price": "100.00", "currency": "USD", "image": "", "availability": "InStock", "offers": [ { "url": "", "price": "100.00", "currency": "USD", "quantity": "1", "hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "value": true }, "shippingDetails": { "type": "FreeShipping", "price": "0" } } ] }
can I add the code to the theme code directly?
how to fix the problem i have?
hi there i use wordpress and woocommerce in my site but i dont know where is product jason file
please help me how can find this file?
This code is not working on my website, can you please have a look
<!-- Copyright FeedArmy 2023 Version 3.21 -->
<!-- FeedArmy tutorial found at -->
<!-- ALPHA2 CODE Please add your alpha2 code, you can find it here: -->
{%- assign fa_product_id_alpha2_code = 'US' -%}
<!-- PRODUCT IDset your product id values are default, product_id, parent_id, sku-->
{%- assign fa_product_id = 'default' -%}
<!-- RETURNS How long is your returns policy in days? -->
{%- assign fa_return_days = 28 -%}
<!-- SHIPPING How much do customer need to spend for free returns, assign your currency? -->
{% if cart.currency.iso_code == 'USD' %}
{%- assign fa_shipping_currency = "USD" -%}
{% if fa_product_price >= "75" %}
{%- assign fa_shipping_price = 0.00 -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign fa_shipping_price = 4.50 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign fa_shipping_handling_time_min = 0 -%}
{%- assign fa_shipping_handling_time_max = 1 -%}
{%- assign fa_shipping_shipping_time_min = 2 -%}
{%- assign fa_shipping_shipping_time_miax = 5 -%}
<!-- Disable / Enable shipping or returns true for enabled, false for disabled-->
{%- assign fa_returns = 'true' -%}
{%- assign fa_shipping = 'true' -%}
<!-- ==================================== -->
{%- if template contains 'product' -%}
{%- assign fa_current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%}
{%- if fa_product_id == 'default' -%}
{%- capture fa_product_id_value -%}shopify_{{ fa_product_id_alpha2_code }}_{{ }}_{{ }}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- elsif fa_product_id == 'product_id' -%}
{%- capture fa_product_id_value -%}{{ }}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- elsif fa_product_id == 'parent_id' -%}
{%- capture fa_product_id_value -%}{{ }}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- elsif fa_product_id == 'sku' -%}
{%- capture fa_product_id_value -%}{{ fa_current_variant.sku | escape }}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if cart.currency.iso_code == 'GBP' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'USD' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'JPY' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'AUD' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'AED' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'CAD' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'BWP' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'BND' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'DOP' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'GTQ' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'HKD' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'INR' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'ILS' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'YEN' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'KES' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'KOR' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'LBP' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'MYR' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'MXN' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'NPR' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'NZD' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'NIO' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'NGN' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'PKR' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'CNY' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'PHP' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'SGD' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'LKR' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'CHF' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'TWD' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'TSH' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'THB' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'UGX' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'KWD' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'CLP' or cart.currency.iso_code == 'BHD' -%}
{%- assign fa_product_price = fa_current_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove:',' -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign fa_product_price = fa_current_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove:'.' | replace: ',', '.' -%}
{%- endif -%}
<script type="application/ld+json" data-creator_name="FeedArmy">
"@context": "",
"@type": "Product",
"@id": {{ canonical_url | json }},
"name": "{{ product.title | strip_html | escape }}",
"url": "{{ shop.url }}{{ product.url }}",
"sku": "{{fa_product_id_value}}",
{%- if product.variants.first.barcode.size >= 12 and product.variants.first.barcode.size <= 14 -%}
"gtin": {{ product.variants.first.barcode }},
{%- endif -%}
"productID": "{{ }}",
"brand": {
"@type": "Brand",
"name": "{{ product.vendor | escape }}"
"description": {{ product.description | strip_html | json }},
"image": "https:{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: '1500x1500' }}",
{%- if product.variants -%}
"@type" : "Offer",
{%- if fa_returns == 'true' -%}
"hasMerchantReturnPolicy": {
"@type": "MerchantReturnPolicy",
"applicableCountry": "{{ fa_product_id_alpha2_code }}",
"returnPolicyCategory": "",
"merchantReturnDays": {{ fa_return_days }},
"returnMethod": "",
"returnFees": ""
{%- endif -%}
{%- if fa_shipping == 'true' -%}
"shippingDetails": {
"@type": "OfferShippingDetails",
{% if fa_shipping_price %}
"shippingRate": {
"@type": "MonetaryAmount",
"value": {{ fa_shipping_price }},
"currency": "{{ fa_shipping_currency }}"
"@type": "QuantitativeValue",
"value" : "{{ product.variants.first.weight | weight_with_unit }}"
{%- endif -%}
"shippingDestination": {
"@type": "DefinedRegion",
"addressCountry": "{{ fa_product_id_alpha2_code }}"
"deliveryTime": {
"@type": "ShippingDeliveryTime",
"handlingTime": {
"@type": "QuantitativeValue",
"minValue": {{fa_shipping_handling_time_min}},
"maxValue": {{fa_shipping_handling_time_max}},
"unitCode": "DAY"
"transitTime": {
"@type": "QuantitativeValue",
"minValue": {{fa_shipping_shipping_time_min}},
"maxValue": {{fa_shipping_shipping_time_max}},
"unitCode": "DAY"
{%- endif -%}
"priceCurrency": "{{ cart.currency.iso_code }}",
"price": "{{ fa_product_price }}",
"itemCondition" : "",
"availability" : "{% if fa_current_variant.available %}InStock{% else %}OutOfStock{% endif %}",
"url" : "{{ shop.url }}{{ fa_current_variant.url }}",
{%- if fa_current_variant.image -%}
{%- assign variant_image_size = fa_current_variant.image.width | append: 'x' -%}
"image": "https:{{ fa_current_variant.image.src | img_url: variant_image_size }}",
{%- else -%}
"image": "https:{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: '1500x1500' }}",
{%- endif -%}
{%- if fa_current_variant.title != 'Default Title' -%}
"name" : "{{ product.title | strip_html | escape }} - {{ fa_current_variant.title | escape }}",
{%- else -%}
"name" : "{{ product.title | strip_html | escape }}",
{%- endif -%}
{%- if fa_current_variant.barcode.size >= 12 and fa_current_variant.barcode.size <= 14 -%}
"gtin": {{ product.variants.first.barcode }},
{%- endif -%}
"sku": "{{fa_product_id_value}}",
{%- if product.description != blank -%}
"description" : {{ product.description | strip_html | json }},
{%- endif -%}
"priceValidUntil": "{{ 'now' | date: '%s' | plus: 31536000 | date: '%Y-%m-%d' | uri_encode | replace:'+','%20' }}"
{%- if product.variants.size > 1 -%},
"additionalProperty": [{
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"propertyID": "item_group_id",
"value": "{{ }}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- if -%}
{%- assign fa_rating = | split: '"reviewCount": "' | last | split: '"' | first | plus: 0 -%}
{%- if fa_rating > 0 -%}
,"aggregateRating": {
"@type": "AggregateRating",
"ratingValue": {{ | split: '"ratingValue": "' | last | split: '"' | first | plus: 0 }},
"ratingCount": {{ | split: '"reviewCount": "' | last | split: '"' | first | plus: 0 }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<!-- Copyright FeedArmy 2023 Version 3.21 -->
@Shawn512please be careful just copying code. JSON-LD (the format of the structured data) is not the same thing as JSON and the advice to add it to your product.json file is incorrect. JSON is a file format to transmit data. JSON-LD is a method to link data using JSON. Your theme has JSON-LD structured data but it's typically in a liquid file.
If your goal is to simply remove the non-critical issues, you can add the structured data. Non-critical issues are just Google's way of asking you to include the data if you have it, if not that's ok. You are not penalized for missing this information in structured data.
Google recommends using Merchant Center for the policies instead of adding it in structured data (see attached). It will then be up to Google's algorithm if they want to include the returns or delivery details in Rich Results.
When the structured data connects with Merchant Center via the product identifiers, Google will automatically pull the shipping and returns information from Merchant Center to include in the Rich Results. Search Console however doesn't recognize this so you end up receiving emails saying it's missing because the two tools don't talk to each other.
JSON-LD for SEO customers already have the shipping and returns information coming from Merchant Center assuming you have:
1. entered the unique product identifiers (GTIN or MPN) and
2. you have the policies set up in Merchant Center.
If Shopify and the shipping apps provide this information, I'd be happy to include it in JSON-LD for SEO. For now, it's not available so we depend on the information coming from Merchant Center.
You can configure the delivery information in Merchant Center using this doc or see if you can automatically pull it from Shopify.
You can configure the returns information in Merchant Center using this doc.
You are not required to add structured data, if you have added the shipping and returns policy in Google Merchant Center.
Hi there! 👋
I've encountered and resolved these exact issues before. The errors you're seeing in Google Search Console, "Missing field 'hasMerchantReturnPolicy'" and "Missing field 'shippingDetails'", usually happen when these fields aren't properly defined in the structured data (schema) on your product pages.
To fix this, you need to add the corresponding structured data code to your product JSON file.
If you'd like more detailed guidance or step-by-step instructions, feel free to check out the articles I've written on these topics:
These articles should provide all the information you need to fix these issues and ensure your product pages are fully optimized for Google.
Here are some screenshots showing this issue fixed.
Hi TechSEOSolution!
I tried to follow your article, but I could not find the correct place in product-template.liquid to include the code. Thank you!
Thank you very much! However, to resolve this, you first need to identify the exact file where the structured data (schema) is being generated. Every theme has its own coding structure, so the approach may vary. In my case, I found and modified the relevant file. Your situation will likely be different.
To proceed:
If you need further assistance, feel free to ask! Thanks.
Here is a video where I explain how to find parts in your theme:
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