How to generate a referral link to imbed in a standalone app (integrated with Shopify)

How to generate a referral link to imbed in a standalone app (integrated with Shopify)

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

We have a partner account in Shopify, as our app (Sales Chanel) is integrated with Shopify. And we want to generate a referral link to  track any sign-ups or sales made through it by the Users of our application.


We have got the following  instructions from Shopify support:

1. Log in to Your Partner Account: Go to the Shopify Partner Dashboard and log in with your credentials. (done)
2. Navigate to the Referrals Section: In the dashboard, look for the "Referrals" tab or section. This is where you can manage your referral links. (done)
3. Create a New Referral Link:

  • Click on the option to create a new referral link. (there is no option to create a new referral link, but 4  options to submit a lead (?)
  • You may need to enter details such as the store URL you want to refer or any specific parameters related to the referral. ( We have chosen a "Submit POS lead" and filled out the form with the details of our app).

4. Generate the Link: After filling in the required information, generate your referral link. This link will track any sign-ups or sales made through it. We expected to find the option to generate a link, but there is not. (???????)

5. Copy the Referral Link: Once generated, copy the referral link provided.  It will track any sign-ups or sales made through it.

We cannot find how to generate a referral link there. Being totally confused we have summited a POS lead filled out the form with our application details). But even after this we have no option "Generate a link".

We have experienced generation of a referral link in our  partner account on Shopline, which has almost the same UI/UX as Shopify. And we have made it very easy - just clilck on "Generate a link". Why is it so complicated on Shopify.....

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