Re: Facebook Pixel Issue

How to resolve the Facebook Pixel tracking issue on Dawn theme 4.0?

40 0 17

Hi everyone,


I have recently relaunched a store that I was using last year. I have upgraded it to Dawn theme 4.0 and only done minor custom coding (centring headings, making the homepage banner clickable, etc). 


I have noticed today that the FB pixel is not tracking at all. It says it is installed via the Facebook channel within Shopify, with the correct pixel ID (screenshot attached). When I go to test events in Events manager in Facebook, nothing is showing (I have tried using Incognito mode in Chrome and clearing cache etc). The pixel helper I have installed is also showing nothing (also screenshot attached). I have tried using it on other stores to check it is not my browser, and it is working fine. All adblockers etc are paused. None of my ads are tracking anything so something is definitely wrong with the pixel. 


I manually added the pixel code this morning which seemed to trigger something on the events manager, but sadly all events were recording as PageViews with no ATC, Initiate Purchase etc. I have since deleted the pixel code I added so as not to further complicate things. 


I reached out to Shopify support today who told me they are unable to help as I have made custom code edits to my store. They did say that they downloaded a fresh version of the theme and it was working fine on there, but I don't want to have to edit my theme all over again. Their suggestion is I compare the version of the theme I am using to a fresh theme. I have started doing this and so far the only significant difference in the liquid file are these couple of bits of code (attached). I worked with an agency last year who set up Conversions API, I am wondering if this is something to do with it? 


Does anyone have any idea how to fix this or any suggestions?


Thanks so much in advance. 

Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 21.43.55.pngScreenshot 2022-05-16 at 21.41.09.pngScreenshot 2022-05-16 at 21.12.46.pngScreenshot 2022-05-16 at 21.14.44.png

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316 10 38

We faced a similar issue. 😔

Online Sneaker Store - Soleseriouss