I am saddened, why has no one bought in my store?

I am saddened, why has no one bought in my store?

26 1 0

It's been days... What should be my Meta pixel and Fb ad manager settings be?


Events manager works fine, I think I got everything set up. I think...


I chose the default ones:

Sales Objective

Highest volume

Maximum Number of Conversions

Manual Adset

I think I have a decent website store and Ad pics and videos.


It barely gets a visit.

What else could be the problem? Thank you in advance!!


Please know that I can not afford to hire Ad manager, I am just a poor merchant risking out on this journey. So I got to be hand in hand on this. Thank you again for understanding .


shopify: uncloudedshades.com

Replies 3 (3)

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These things are not magic buttons you press to get out money without understanding ,time, money, experience or being established.

Everyone wants to make money everyone has this problem wanting the magic settings.


Be self aware "no sales" "traffic but no sales" etc etc are horrible cliches avoid asking questions that have been asked in ambiguous ways.

Research and ask very specific narrow questions.


You have a long road ahead of you if your at this point if you don't identify the pitfalls asap.

Do the research on the TENS OF THOUSANDS that have come before with the same ambiguous problem and all the responses




Contact paull.newton+shopifyforum@gmail.com for the solutions you need

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Answers powered by coffee Thank Paul with a Coffee for more answers or donate to eff.org

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Is it "no visits" or "plenty of visits but no sales"?


if it's "no visits" then you need to advertise your store. Post more and better stuff on your FB and IG.

Check if your SEO is right, see what Google Search Console says about your site -- is it indexed? Are there any errors?

Claim your location in Google maps.


Also, for "have visits, but no sales" -- fix the bottom of your "terms of service" and put your phone in the header. 
Probably, change the homepage video -- it looks  alarming and irritating. Some people may have problems with this.

Otherwise your site looks pretty good.





If my post is helpful, consider liking it -- it will help others with similar problem to find a solution.
I can be reached via e-mail tairli@yahoo.com
26 1 0

Will take note of this. Does FB machine learning able to find sale within 7 days of fb add?

given you have everything set up right and decent. My prices are higher than normal though since I sell premium products. Thanks a bunch