I can't find out how to enter Shopify Partners Slack channel. What do I do to join?


I can't find out how to enter Shopify Partners Slack channel. What do I do to join?

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Hello eveyone, 😊

I run a dev agency and would love to join Shopify Partners Slack channel. 

How can I join? Don't seem to find a way to do it. It's on an invite basis?
Already entered Supply Chain and Logistics Network channel.

Thank you!

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
296 56 134

This is an accepted solution.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
296 56 134

This is an accepted solution.

Try this: https://join.slack.com/t/shopifypartners/shared_invite/zt-2wlrdvsxw-rqUWiegumxvVcVLPTQ3nTQ

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Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Thank you! 😁
I'm in.