Image Rights Copyright Infringement

Image Rights Copyright Infringement

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I received an email today from asking for $1,000 for a copyright infringement on an image on my Shopify blog (my store sells vintage clothing and the blog focuses on fashion history). I was unsure if it was a scam or not but the company seems legitimate. The image had no watermark and I thought it was fair use for commentary purposes. It seems I can either ignore it (and I am sure they will keep contacting us, perhaps escalating the situation), pay their fee (despite the fact that I can’t even find online how I would go about licensing this particular image), respond with a negotiation (which they might not be open to) or hire a lawyer (perhaps more money than the fee). Has anyone else received a similar email about copyright infringement on their blog? I have removed the image and taken down that particular blogpost. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 

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Shopify Partner
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Hi @IanDrummond 👋 Seek out a real lawyer for actual legal advice, stop reading go do it now.


💣 do not seek legal advice from randoms on the internet their useless words cannot protect you , your business or your money.

Be aware of copyright trolls, but do not ignore possibly legitimate claims , DMCA requests, etc.

Source images from reputable sources, and track licensing.

Forward legal complaints or self-commentary to a legal lawyer,  not to forums.



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