Is there an option to send an automated extra product information mailing?

Is there an option to send an automated extra product information mailing?

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Hey everyone!

I have a quick question regarding an email campaign. A customer of mine sells jacuzzi’s, and because of the high price he decided that he wants to add an ‘reserve’ button next to the ‘buy’ button. The difference will be that no transaction will be made, but the  customer will receive additional product information and the option to book an appointment in the physical store. 

My question is: is this possible with the build-in shopify email service, or do we need additional apps for this to work?

Thanks in advance!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
79 2 8

This is a cool idea. How are you planning on implementing the reserve button, and what would a reserved order look like? I believe you will need a third-party app to trigger an email flow that sends extra information, and based on how you set up "reserve," I can help to point you to the right app!