Issue connecting Facebook shop to Shopify

Issue connecting Facebook shop to Shopify

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Hi there.


We have tried to connect our Shopify store to Facebook and continue to receive this message:


This commerce account doesn’t comply with our Commerce eligibility requirements for the following reasons:


Does anyone know a way to fix this?


Meta 1.jpg

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Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
2405 224 547

Hello @ODG1912,

I am Gina from flareAI app helping Shopify merchants get $5Million+ in sales from Google Search, on autopilot. Hope you are having a good day.

The error message you received indicates that your Shopify Business Manager account does not comply with Facebook's Commerce eligibility requirements. This can be due to a variety of reasons, including incomplete or inaccurate information in your Business Manager account, a violation of Facebook's Commerce policies, or other issues.

Here are a few steps you can take to try to resolve this issue.

1. Check your Business Manager account
Ensure that your Business Manager account is complete and accurate, with all necessary information and documentation provided. This may include your business registration information, tax ID, and other relevant details.

2. Review Facebook's Commerce Policies
Review Facebook's Commerce policies to ensure that your Shopify store and Business Manager account are fully compliant. Make any necessary changes to your store or account to ensure compliance with these policies.

3. Contact Facebook support
If you're still unable to resolve the issue, you can contact Facebook support for assistance. They may be able to provide additional information or guidance on how to resolve the issue.

4. Consider using a third-party tool
If you're still unable to connect your Shopify store to Facebook, you may want to consider using a third-party tool or app that can help facilitate the connection. These tools can often simplify the process of connecting your store to Facebook and ensure compliance with Facebook's Commerce policies.

Hope this helps


flareAI : Get Sales from Google Search, on Autopilot
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Shopify Partner
7 0 3

Good luck! We're dealing with the same thing and it's totally unclear what the problem is and Meta support is also totally unhelpful. But somehow they're flagging our accounts as "untrustworthy".


One thing I would suggest is to NOT click the "request review" button, or at least don't click it more than once. I've heard after a couple times they'll issue a final decision and then there's no chance to review it again, ever.

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We are going through the same thing. Have you come to any resolution for this yet? 

Shopify Partner
7 0 3

We haven't resolved it, but after a lot of research my best guess is that it's due to low engagement in most cases. The review process is totally useless, the only solution is to convince the algorithm. Nobody at Meta cares enough to look into whether your business is actually legit, they just look at the engagement stats and judge on that.


So our solution is to hire a professional social media contractor (something we've been meaning to do anyway). Our engagement has gone up already and with more content and engagement hopefully we can try to review our ecommerce eligibility again in a couple of months with better numbers.