Product ID in Google Merchant Center vs. Product ID in Data Layer for Remarketing

Product ID in Google Merchant Center vs. Product ID in Data Layer for Remarketing

7 0 1

Hi there,


I transferred all products with the Google App to my Merchant Center with the correct Product ID with SKU / Variant in Format shopify_DE_XXX_XXX...


Now I implemented a Data Layer for my product page for remarketing. In the Data Layer there is just the ID for the product itself without Variant.


Exapmle Product ID:

Merchant Center: shopify_DE_7700617756895_42978160378079

Data Layer: 7700617756895


Can anyone help me with that?

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
3564 276 846

Make sure to use the correct liquid objects, listed here:




You can also implement a completed set of remarketing coding, by following my guide:

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1 0 0

Hello we have a website and do google ads to but finding our website traffic in the past 3 weeks has dropped of we we’re starting to increase from 2 a day up to 19 a day which we were happy to see some growth at last we have been up and running since November 2021 so to say we are disappointed yes now deciding should we hit the streets and go back to basics as this is a lot of work with little rewards I’m hoping your able to help give feedback advice please

much appreciate 

Jennie steer

12 0 1

Hi @EmmanuelFlossie 


I just stumbled across this post in my search for help on another issue. The value in my data layer says "shopify_US_{{}}_{{product.selected_or_first_available_variant}}" but it should be "shopify_DK_{{}}_{{product.selected_or_first_available_variant}}" instead - so DK instead if US - as that is the value submitted through the feed. Do you know what can cause this? All language and currency settings in Shopify is set to Denmark, so it should be getting the "Shopify_DK"-value.


I created this ticket in the technical foums. Perhaps you can help?

15 0 4

@EmmanuelFlossie wrote:


Short addition, since I just stumbled over this: It's {{}}

Otherwise, the variable returns the text "ProductVariantDrop".

Shopify Partner
3564 276 846

@NicoRi Yes you are correct. I had my coding correct on the website, but when I copy pasted an example above, it seems I partially copied parts of the code.

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