Re: Petition to Return to 3 Page Checkout - Abysmal 1 Page Checkout Conversion Rate


revert one-page checkout back to 3-step checkout, and abandoned email flows for one-page checkout

3 0 14


I have a shopify plus account.

How can I revert one-page checkout back to 3-step checkout?


For the conversion report attached, will there be any change to the definition of 'Reached checkout' column between these 2 styles of checkouts?


Is my understanding correct?

With the one-page checkout follow, the system won't be able to get any user information until they finish the checkout(unless there are any payment errors).  So I won't be able to get any user information to recover abandoned carts via emails?


Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Staff
411 73 210

This is an accepted solution.

We’ve been investigating every report about one-page checkout thoroughly and have not found any systemic issues. But we want you to be able to choose what’s best for your business. We are building an in-admin tool to let all merchants choose between one-page and three-page checkout. You can learn more about that decision here.

Allan | Shopify Community
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Replies 219 (219)
15 0 21

Further to above, here are some good examples of one-page checkouts
- Each section needs completing and confirming to open next, all on one page
- Everything visible on one page with steps
- Clear breadcrumbs
- Going through each section before the next expands, all on one page

Shopify Staff
40 1 5

@AntZoo Thank you for your feedback regarding the customer account experience with one-page checkout. We did make enhancements to create a faster buyer experience for the known buyers, however, that in no way should come at the cost of the order's or customer's information being correct. Regarding the specific points:

  1. Addresses should be fully visible and last used addresses should be on top. See screenshot, please do let us know if this not working for you:Tejas_Mehta_0-1697744879860.png
  2. Incomplete address shouldn’t be submittable as there are errors shown to the buyer (example below). If you have any examples of instances where a buyer was able to submit with an incomplete address, please capture and reach out to us. 
    1. Tejas_Mehta_1-1697744879855.png
  3. We hear this feedback and are looking for ways to keep the speed of the one-page experience while ensuring all relevant information is surfaced.


On the design changes you have called out, we are sorry to see that the changes intended to improve the UX have negatively impacted your particular checkout. The shipping method section is now a subsection of the delivery section which includes the address form. We would recommend modifying the content to reflect the change in hierarchy of the section. Our goal here is to streamline the three sections of checkout and consolidate any extra steps into those three sections and make the visually less overwhelming. One way to achieve this would be to change the `2.` and 3. to 2.a and 2.b. However, we would actually recommend removing the numbers as the checkout form is quite short and in our research we have not seen the need for additional wayfinding to help buyers navigate the form.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

7 0 21

If Shopify persists in this disaster, they will lose a lot. I wait 5 days max, and I migrate to Woocommerce if this whole charade is not stopped, I pay quite a lot each month. I have noticed a considerable loss of conversion since this one checkout, I can no longer recover an abandoned basket because of emails which are not recorded if the purchase is not finalized. It's shameful to betray your loyal customers like this.

Shopify Staff
12 1 16

We would certainly hope that we don't lose your business. I hear your frustration. I want to confirm that the one-page checkout does support abandoned checkouts even without a purchase being attempted. As soon as the buyer has entered their contact info, the abandoned checkout is recorded regardless of when in the checkout process they enter it.

10 0 32

I have had about 20 "Reached Checkout" and ZERO emails/phone numbers, ZERO. That's 20 potential sales down the drain since there is no way for me to reach the visitors.

It doesn't sound like Shopify is at all interested in listening to it's clients. Like I said before, the fact that you continue to try and convince us that this new checkout page is good WILL NOT change the fact that it's bad. You forcing us to accept this nonsense will not do. Why is that a problem to let us choose between the old and the new checkout??? The technology is there just let us decide if we want to enable it or not.


I'm with Natali0710 here, if Shopify doesn't fix this situation within a week I will switch to Woocommerce as well. There is no reason for me to keep losing money like this.

33 0 83

Hi @Mani_Fazeli , I am starting to find it hard to comprehend that the Shopify team still does not seem to understand the problem? Let me break it down for you.


My "typical" customer is a mom with a small baby, and possibly more small kids at home. She is constantly interrupted, and running on little sleep.


The abandoned checkout is CRITICAL for this customer, as a reminder to come back and complete checkout later.


When all of the checkout fields are visible to her all at once, she does NOT start filling everything in from the top down. Her eyes go straight to the payment part, and realises that she needs her bank card, which she cannot reach, because it is in her handbag, and she can't get to it, because she has a baby sleeping on top of her.

She does not dare move in case she wakes the baby, so closes her browser with the intention of coming back later. But the baby wakes up screaming, and it never happens.

She does NOT enter her email address, does NOT receive an abandoned cart email, and does NOT come back.


Before, when she got to checkout, she was asked for her contact details. EASY! She completed them, and moved on. Realised she needs to get to her card later, closed the browser, but then received the abandoned cart email as reminder to come back. All good!


The new checkout is catastrophic for my store specifically, because of my customer demographic!


I am running (my first ever) emergency sale since 5 days ago to get through the month, but even the sale is the absolute WORST performing sale I have EVER seen in my store. By a LONG shot. My sale ends at the end of this week, and I absolutely 100% NEED the previous checkout option back before then.


I feel like I am being held hostage by Shopify, and don't know what to do any more. I have paid for a year subscription until middle of next year, but won't survive on the current conversion until then. 

Am I being forced to cut my losses and leave? Is Shopify trying to get rid of small businesses like mine?


WHY can we not have the option to switch back to the 3 step checkout?

That 3 step checkout option is still going to exist in the world of Shopify, and will still be supported from your side, because you have it available to the Shopify PLUS stores, but why do you take it away from us who desperately need it?


For the small business, our stores are the means of feeding our families. Why does it feel like you are not taking us seriously?


Why is it so hard to grasp that different stores have different customer demographics, and for some of those demographics (like in my case that I explained for you above) the difference between the previous 3 step checkout, and 1 page checkout is LITERALLY the difference between thriving and dying?


This is not something we can loose more days going back and forth on. We need the option to switch back to the previous checkout back TODAY!

Then, after you have done that, would be a great time to investigate what went wrong for so many, and WHY it went wrong.

Not while we are loosing income at such an alarming rate.


Please answer me. 


7 0 21

It's for the same reasons as you that I'm very angry. I no longer have an abandoned cart chain since this damn update, I no longer record emails. I think we should all quantify the loss caused by Shopify and take collective action in court, we will go from small businesses to the status of a certainly very significant lost turnover. The effort required is not enormous from Shopify, go back the time to improve this disaster and leave the choice to their customers who can spend 500-1000usd per month for their services and these are no longer available. the height of what we paid for, we must be able to have our say

3 0 15

Ever since the checkout has switched to one page my store has absolutely plummeted. My CVR has never been this low and my sales have tanked. This one page checkout has been a complete nightmare for my business. I don't understand why Shopify wants to continue to argue why this checkout is better. Maybe it is for some stores but for others is is terrible so why not let us have the choice of which checkout works best for our business. The fact that Shopify plus members have the option of which checkout they prefer to use is very telling of how they are viewing customers. No matter how many of us clearly explain that this one page checkout has really made a huge difference in our business in a very bad way, they don't seem to care. The solution is easy give us the option of which checkout works best for our business not what you (Shopify) says is best.  This was not meant to respond to you Evaf1 I just wanted to post my experience. I completely agree with you.

17 0 18

our market are mums to newborns and small children. The one page checkout has had a terrible affect on our sales too. Losing sleep over this one 😞

33 0 83

Same here! Moms to newborns and little ones, and the one page checkout is CATASTROPHIC for my typical customer.

These last 2 weeks have been sooo stressful! 

15 0 21

Thank you for coming back and your reply.

Today we had an item returned, an incomplete address.  Instead of, for example,  9 Buffy House, Long Street, London the customer had used 9 Long Street.  Their fault.

Your goal is: - "goal here is to streamline the three sections of checkout and consolidate any extra steps into those three sections and make the visually less overwhelming."

And for us, this is the problem, as they are less visually overwhelming, they are more missable and that is causing dispatch issues, delivery issues and a very poor customer experience.

The fact that your customers are deliberately given zero choice in the format, style and visibility of the checkout sections, is amazing.  Quite unbelievable.  I understand the security of the checkout, but that would not stop Shopify from putting format controls into the checkout sections.  

The message is clear from Shopify, customers will have it our way or they can leave.

I am a worn-out, tired vendor, I tend to take the path of least work.  But for the first and only time in many years, Shopify is giving me the motivation and a solid reason to migrate away, because what other choice do you offer?  None.  And all because Shopify will not let me alter the font colour, font size or font weight to make these rather important customer choices, more visible to the customer. 

Fonts, leading to customer errors and for others, decreasing conversions. Beyond belief.  The fonts, waymarking and forcing customers to confirm each aspect of checkout does not seem to be hurting Amazon or the vendors that use their platform.

33 0 83

Interesting. I also had a customer fill in their address incomplete 2 days ago. There is a street name, but no street number. 

I have reached out to the customer, and not shipped it yet. But this is the first time I have found a checkout like this. I did not connect the dot that it could have something to do with the new checkout page

15 0 21
I think it was us turning on address auto-complete. We turned it off now. The customer didn't spot the error.

Since the new checkout, we have held more orders to verify, and customers have selected the wrong shipping method numerous times, resulting in delivery delays.
10 0 32

Stop trying to sell us this one page checkout crap and just give us back the 3 step checkout. Listen to what we're telling you.


I don't understand what the big deal is. Whoever wants to use the 1 page checkout let them use it, and to the MANY of us who don't want to use it should have the option to revert back. 


To address "When they abandon, this results in fewer emails for retargeting, but it doesn’t affect their ability to pick back up where they left off if they return after a few days." => You are wrong. More than half the business is recovering abandoned carts via emails/sms, which you forcefully took away from us.


You telling me that the new checkout is better won't change the fact that it's not. Give us the option to revert!!!!!

6 0 19

I also reached out and they gave me the same BS answer. They also could not confirm that they were working on making the 3 page checkout available to us again. Brutal!


33 0 83

Hi @Tejas_Mehta Thank you for your reply. You are missing something VERY CRUCIAL though!


You say "When they abandon, this results in fewer emails for retargeting, but it doesn’t affect their ability to pick back up where they left off if they return after a few days"... This is the problem!!

For some stores, this may not cause a huge effect, but for many others, it is catastrophic!

The difference is that different stores have different "typical" customers.


Some stores "typical" customer may well be someone who starts a checkout, and then comes back by themself a few days later to complete it. These are highly focussed and un-interrupted kinds of people. Yay for them!


Other stores "typical" customer is the SUPER unfocussed, overtired, and CONSTANTLY interrupted people. 

For example anyone selling baby products!

Our "typical" customer is a mom who is still healing from giving birth a few weeks ago, is running on little sleep, and is CONSTANTLY interrupted by taking care of small kids/ baby. She has a million things on her mind, and is feeling totally overstretched.


When this customer is interrupted before completing checkout, she WILL NOT come back on her own a few days later. 

The abandoned cart email is CRITICAL for this customer.


I do NOT want to add apps in order to flash offers at this customer offering her discount codes in exchange for email to try grab her email address earlier on. She does NOT need popups flashing at her while she is trying to decide what she needs for baby. 

The whole world is flashing for her, and she just needs some calm.


The 3 page checkout was perfect before. My typical customer would get there, enter email, and inevitably get interrupted somewhere while deciding on payment method. 

No problem, she receives an abandoned cart email as a reminder, and can click in to complete checkout next time she has a quiet moment.


So, in all of the extensive testing that Shopify did before changing to this one page checkout - did Shopify test it on stores that have super tired and heavily-interrupted typical customers?

I suspect not. Or it would never have been forced on us.


So, in stead of trying to tell us that there is no problem, when clearly there is, why not take this as an opportunity to learn? 

What is it that the stores who are having such dramatically bad results from the one page checkout have in common? Do we have stores with similar "typical" customers?

And, how can you change the checkout so that it does not kill our businesses or force us to leave Shopify?


For example, I could see it working if you have everything on one page, but only one section opens up at a time - so, enter the email, which is then captured, opening up the shipping section. Once that it filled in the payment section opens up?


But in the meantime, PLEASE give us the previous checkout back!!

Then go ahead and study what the heck went wrong for so many of us, and come back with a solution that works for all.


Or better yet, just give us the option to choose to stay on the 3 page checkout, or one page checkout. Why is that so hard?

7 0 17

We can only agree with this message. We're in exactly the same situation, with a typical customer visiting our site an average of 3 or 4 times before buying. But now we have no way of catching their attention with retargeting and automation once they've completed their first visit.

10 0 32

Any updates?

4 0 7

Hi Tejas,

You've been emphasizing the benefits of a 1-page checkout, but I'd like to point out that even the largest stores using Shopify, particularly Shopify Plus, seem to prefer a 3-page checkout.


In this link:


You are showing that these 3 stores are using Shopify Plus


Ok, fine, then did you check that they all using a 3-page checkout



and explain to me, why would they do that? Why don't they choose the 1-page checkout? I guess you have the answer that we are all struggling here. Let us have the option to switch back to a 3-page checkout. That will help us and also help Shopify to earn more. Thanks

7 0 17

Same here in France, there are 6 websites highlighted on the Shopify Plus presentation page, all using a 3page checkout. I wonder why, when 1page checkout is supposed to be the miracle solution that “has been rigorously tested across the world for over 12 months, and Shopify has validated and is confident that it is an improvement across our merchant base”…
















Shopify Partner
9 0 34

Wow, you're right. 10/10 observation. This other Shopify plus page with case studies is the same thing. All 3 page checkouts.


Screen Shot 2023-10-23 at 10.23.58 AM.png

33 0 83

Spot on!

Shopify Partner
3 0 1


Same thing for me, since the change to one checkout page, my conversion rate dropped off 50%Capture d’écran 2023-11-06 à 13.36.38.png


We need the 3 page checkout back otherwise, we won't survive.

7 0 17

Hi everyone,

We're also very unhappy with the new “1page checkout” that has been added to our Shopify e-commerce website. Indeed, since its implementation, we've noticed a drastic, considerable and inexplicable drop in our conversion rate and therefore in our sales (-70%). Our retargeting partners have also been affected, and are no longer able to run effective campaigns for our website.

Since October 6th, we have more direct traffic, more organic traffic (SEO), more paid traffic, more social traffic but our conversion rate and sales have dropped by 70%. The only change was this 1page checkout implement. All figures show that it is this new checkout page that was forced on merchants. No other changes were made to our website apart from the 1page checkout, since that day our conversion rate dropped. We are no longer collecting any abandoned checkout information (which is also an issue for our retargeting partners who can no longer do their job).

Abandoned checkout information is not even collected by Shopify due to 1page checkout, given that if the customer doesn't complete the purchase, there is no way for us to collect that information. With the 3page checkout, our customers would fill in their email address on the first page, so if they left during the payment process, we had that piece of information to retarget them and use marketing automation campaigns. Example, since October 6th, in our “online store conversion over time” report we see more than 20 abandoned payments. But in the abandoned checkout tab, none of them are visible since October 5. We have had no abandoned checkout appearing on our abandoned checkout tab within the last 15 days or so, when we used to have new ones every day.

We ask to switch back to a “3page checkout” without having to subscribe to Shopify Plus at $2000 per month. What solutions can you provide?
If we can't go back to the 3page checkout, you understand that we can't stay in this situation and that we'll have to leave Shopify and change CMS. We don't want stop-gap solutions as 3rd party apps. We can see there are several of us in this situation, and we feel that we are not being listened to.

Shopify Partner
2476 228 667

That's a good point yall are making. I used to run a Shopify store, sold that and now I'm on the app side, but I am always a fan of being able to choose what's best for your store / audience.


Since it was like that before, I think Shopify should give the option to use whichever style you want.


@55trexodore about your points, I wonder if you could add some text on checkout to help users more (I think it's in Themes > Languages where you can customize the text on the checkout page).


Maybe something like "If you need help completing your order contact us at xxxx".


Bummer on losing the abandoned cart email!


Another thing we used to do, which can help lower your abandoned cart rate by getting insights, is check the order details and if the person purchased on multiple visits, we would reach out to them (not everyone obviously, but just a sample size to get some feedback)... thank them, and ask if they would share any feedback about their shopping experience, what was their process, etc. And then give them a discount code as a thanks for their next purchase.


That can yield you some good insights + make a connection with your customers.


I can see how the multi stage checkout would help some stores with conversions, since if you fill out 1 form and advance, you are more committed / invested (even at this micro level) and more apt to finish the task.


Good luck on this, I hope Shopify enables this option.


• Creator of Order Automator [auto tag, fulfill, connect FBA, daily jobs]
• Co-Creator of Product Automator [suite of features for products / collections]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
• Blog: Shopify Tips, Guides, and Automation Tactics
Shopify Staff
40 1 5

Thanks for the feedback @E-Papier-Peint, we had a look at your store and we aren’t seeing the decrease in conversion your have mentioned coming from checkout. Rather it seems to be coming from a decrease in buyers adding items to cart. If you want to reach out to the DM, we would love to help debug any issues you might be having.


The one-page checkout does collect abandoned carts even without a completed purchase. As soon as the buyer has entered their contact info the abandoned checkout is collected regardless of when in the checkout process they enter it. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 10

With the transition to the One-Page checkout, our ability to display a Prop65 warning to California shipping addresses, as required by state law, has been compromised. The Warnify plugin we relied on is rendered ineffective as it targets shipping addresses for compliance. Other geo-targeting apps based on IP addresses fall short since the IP and shipping address can differ, making them non-compliant with the law.


Was this change an oversight or intentional? This update poses a significant challenge for small businesses striving to adhere to CA law and evade hefty litigation costs. How can we now display the legally mandated compliance statements to California customers on Shopify?


Your insights would be invaluable as we navigate this compliance hurdle.

33 0 83

Hi! You say that "The one-page checkout does collect abandoned carts even without a completed purchase. As soon as the buyer has entered their contact info the abandoned checkout is collected regardless of when in the checkout process they enter it. "

And this demonstrates that you still do not understand the problem!


Different stores have different customer demographics!

Some (highly focussed and un-interrupted) customers will reach a one page checkout, and start completing it from the top down. So, they start at the top, enter their email (yay!) and move down from there.


Other demographics will reach the one page checkout, their eyes will go straight to the payment part, and realise they can't complete it anyway because they don´t have their card on them. For example a super tired new mom who is constantly interrupted, and just trying to survive. She cant go get the card because the only reason she has a little time to browse on her phone for while is because she just - FINALLY - got the baby to sleep ON TOP OF HER OWN BODY, and literally cannot move in case the baby wakes up and starts screaming again!


So, when they see they can't complete is anyway, they close the browser to come back later, but by them baby is screaming again, and they dont. They did NOT enter their email, and do NOT come back later, because the only thing that was helping remind them come back was the abandoned cart email.


This is the experience of any store selling BABY products direct to consumers (who fit the profile I described above). This is a VERY different type of customer, who behaves DIFFERENTLY than the customer of a store who sells office supplies for example! 

Someone shopping for office supplies, is likely sitting behind a desk themselves, with everything they need at hand. They can get up and walk freely to fetch a bank card if they need to.


Please try and understand this. It is CRITICAL, and we need the option to revert back to the previous 3 step checkout TODAY!

7 0 17

Hello @Tejas_Mehta, you're absolutely WRONG.
Find enclosed our stats from the moment the 1page checkout was implemented compared to the previous period.
We can observe a little seasonal fluctuation of the added to cart, which similarly impacts the reached checkout stat (+/- 11%). HOWEVER, we can also see that the sessions converted have dramatically dropped (-42%). So the decrease in conversion IS coming from checkout. 
We've been doing this for YEARS. We know our businesses and customer targets. You don't. These stats are not normal, and all you are doing is endangering businesses that heavily rely on seasonal business by cutting their hands off mere weeks before said season.  This is critical and you should be held accountable.




7 0 21

Même problème, si problème non résolu sous 5 jours, je migre ailleurs

6 0 19

Signed! Our conversion went down over 50% since switching to the 1 page checkout. Shopify please help us now !!!

Shopify Staff
12 1 16

Are you able to please share some details about any issues, errors, complaints, or otherwise that you've experienced and believe are due to the one-page checkout? If you push this to our support, we will absolutely look through it on the same team that addresses these issues.

6 0 19

I got on the support chat earlier and I was given the same answer as folks have mentioned here : that Shopify tested this feature and believes it works wonders. It's beyond frustrating and truly we are all feeling like Shopify does not care about our lost revenue.


I've dug deep into my stats - and the 1 page checkout has to be blamed to what's happening to my store, at least to some level. You can dig into my analytics too and see. I went from an average of 1.6% conversion from the beginning of the year until the end of August before I made the switch. I can't remember exactly what day it was I made the switch in September so I am comparing the above to my Month to date stats for October. My conversion rate for October is 0.4%. My sales are down 80% compared to what was projected and is consistent on my site. Nothing else has changed. In August, 43% of the people who reached checkout converted. In October, 26% of them did.


If not that what is it? I'd love to know.


I'm sure I can speak for everyone here, this is how we feed our families. I'm up in the middle of the night writing this because I'm too stressed to sleep. You guys HAVE to let us go back to the 3 step checkout. We need you.

33 0 83

Same! I have had numerous sleepless nights over this now. This is my livelihood, and means of feeding my kids.

I started my (first ever) emergency sale 5 days ago to get through this month, but even the sale is doing the worst performance of any sale I have had, EVER. 


My "typical" customer is a mom with a small baby, and possibly more small kids at home. She is constantly interrupted, and running on little sleep.

The abandoned checkout email is CRITICAL for this customer, as a reminder to come back later and complete checkout. 


When all the checkout fields are visible all at once, my typical customer does NOT start filling it all in from the top down. She sees the payment part, realises that she needs her card, which she cannot get to, because it is in her handbag, which she can't reach, because she has a baby sleeping on top of her, and does not dare move in case she wakes baby up. 

So, she closes the browser, with the idea to finish later, but baby wakes up screaming, and it never happens. 


Before, when she got to checkout, she just needed to enter her contact details first. Easy! She did it, then got to the payment part, and needed to put it down for later. 

No problem, because she received an abandoned checkout email as reminder.


The new checkout is catastrophic to my store specifically, because of my customer demographic!

I really dont want to leave Shopify, but am starting to feel a little desperate here. We need the 3 step checkout back TODAY!


8 0 23

This is ridiculous what Shopify says. We are their customers and we noticed this problem. Shopify shouldn't convince us that we are not right... They should listen to us. We do not pay only 30$ per month, but we also use Shopify payments so they earn much more from us. 

Shopify says that as a member of Shopify plus you can choose between both of the options - onepage checkout and 3-page checkout.

Most of us are not members of Shopify plus which costs 2000$ / month.

So there is a solution - give us the same possibility. It's just few clicks for your developers!


Tell us why don't you give us this possibility??

33 0 83

Exactly this!!!

It is literally a few clicks to fix it by giving us the option to go back to the 3-page checkout from their side, while to us it is literally the loss of income this month!


Would they be this slow to act if it was their own income/salary that was cut in more than half this month?


15 0 21

I wish Shopify would pin this topic to the top of the forum or create a poll.  Something they should do if they really are interested in the opinion of as many customers as possible.

  It is amazing anyone finds this one topic, buried in the depths of its forum

Shopify Partner
6 0 10

these Shopify staff bots tryna upsell Shopify Plus... like all of you working in Shopify, dont you see the real problem here?! Or you gonna pretend like it doesn't exist and continue being ignorant...

I might as well get hired by Shopify and fix that myself FASTER

Shopify Partner
6 0 10

Guys better leave this  platform and get on to TikTok shop, Tiktok is going to remove all 3rd party integrations so if you're using TT, you might as well leave Shopify now 💀💀💀

19 0 8

Will you elaborate? We have been hesitant to add tiktok shop worrying it might cause more issues. 

1 0 2

Signed. My conversion rate went from 2.5-3% to sub-1% after implementing a 3-page checkout. I think it might be overwhelming and confusing for my target audience, especially due to the poor formatting. I started noticing a large increase in abandoned checkouts where emails are not being provided. It is mind-boggling to see Shopify withold the option of returning or properly split-testing the 3-page checkout option for everyone.

5 0 20

Please Shopify.... 

Something has got to change fast.  It is costing us thousands.  We have a huge inventory purchased for the holiday season.  Our checkout rate is in the tank.  Its obvious this is a serious  issue for us.  Our amazon sales continue to climb but our shopify sales have plummeted.  If we cant fix it soon we will have to find a new platform or drive all our traffic to amazon.  Give us back our checkout and work on it later.  Then try again after first of year.  No way this should have been forced on us this time of year.  

5 0 20

Why are we forced into this shopify?  Can you atleast give us a reason?

Shopify Partner
6 0 10

YO SHOPIFY LAZY STAFF, kindly watch this video:



33 0 83
2 0 4

Hey Guys!


Iam totally for a Petition to bring back the 3Page Checkout for business Models below the Plus Model. We are on the highest of Traffic since Years, because we achieved New Influencers, build more Ad Campaigns and our Sales are down 90%. If we wouldnt have outstanding Orders or sales from our Point of Sale, i would be in need to fire Staff. We just bought New Room for Business and New Machines. And now we are looking in the Eye of closing Business. PERFECT, Thanks for that Shopify. Youre testing was awesome, thats why every featured Plus Shop in my Country uses the 3 Page Checkout. If they dort bring the Ability to switch to the Old Checkout, i leave immediately to another Shopware.

Shopify Partner
26 2 7

To those who are seeing a drop in conversions:


1. When did you first notice the decline in sales? Did it happen right on 10/2, or a week or two later?

2. Is there a change in adds-to-cart too?

3. Any change in sessions?

4. Any change in AOV?

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Watch Cart Critique on YouTube
7 0 17

On our side :

1. We noticed dramatic changes 2 days after the 1page checkout was implemented on october 2nd (just enough time for our last automated emails to be sent out), no other changes have been made on the website 10 days prior to the update or since the update. 

2. Adds-to-carts have slightly slowed, but it's pretty typical of our audience for this time of year.

3. Sessions and visits have kept following the increasing trend we've been seeing the past few months, not slowing down whatsoever (organic and direct traffic+ traffic from new paid social campaigns)

4. AOV is slightly down as well. Considering our products are pretty specific, our ideal client will visit our store several times before placing an order. Most people who order on the first visit will order a sample, which explains the AOV decrease. 

5 0 20

1. Decline in sales started 10/2.

2. Add to carts are consistent and climbing for the holiday season.

3. Sessions are up 50% over last year this time and climbing from previous months.

4. Average order value stays constant.

Our normal carts divided by checkouts is 60%.  Now it is an abysmal 35%.

That is the metric everyone needs to be looking at not just a drop in sales.  

Shopify Partner
6 0 10

Just by analyzing Shopify business moves they're pretty dumb, why promoting Shopify to Mr. Beast?? Who's watching Mr. Beast, consumers or creators? People who are not in business or people who are?
What kind of audience they're going to attract with their $1/month for 3 months offer? Are they accounting how many BS inquiries they're gonna get from these type of people who join for $1, e.g. "How do I change the color of a button?" -> this heavily loads customer support and that's where more money will go.

And there was is  girl which runs Shopify YT channel, she got asked when the majority of annual sales come from, at what time of the year? She responded: "I DON'T KNOW, Q3 AND Q4?"

Like come on, that shouldn't be "I don't know" answer. The absurdity of Shopify is insane, and it's tragic that they're kinda like monopoly, that's why I can't wait for the competitors to rise up, it's just the question of time when that's going to happen.