Semrush - This page has a low text/HTML ratio - Fix?

Semrush - This page has a low text/HTML ratio - Fix?

87 2 9

I am using Semrush and I get this error:


This page has a low text/HTML ratio



It's on all of my pages.  There is another topic that had the same issue here but it was not answered.


Here is the suggested fix but I don't know what this means and how to apply it to shopify?



Can someone please help me understand how to fix it?  I am just using Dawn theme, and have just basic product names, descriptions, images, etc.  I don't know how I could possibly fix this?


Can a Shopify expert please jump on here and help?

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
429 88 125

Hi @svalkyrie23 ,


Please see the solution below:


A low text/HTML ratio means that a webpage has a lot of HTML code but not enough actual text content. This can affect the SEO score. To fix the issue please do the following updates:

-Add more relevant, high-quality text content to the page. This could be in the form of blog posts, product descriptions, or other informative sections.

-Clean Up Inline Styles: Move inline CSS to external stylesheets.

-Remove Unnecessary HTML Tags: Eliminate redundant tags, empty divs, or unnecessary elements.

-Minify HTML: Use tools to minify the HTML code, reducing file size without affecting the page appearance.

-Optimize Media Files:Make sure that images, videos, and other media are optimized.

-Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):Load scripts and stylesheets from CDNs to reduce the code hosted on your server.

-Remove Unnecessary Plugins or Widgets: Deactivate or remove any plugins or widgets that are not essential, as they often add extra HTML code to the page.


If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out!
I hope this helps! If it does, please like it and mark it as a solution!


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87 2 9

Hi, I have just used the basic dawn theme, and added already product descriptions and images. So in regards to the stylesheets/empty divs etc, this should have already been optimized by Shopify as it's their theme?

Shopify Partner
429 88 125

HI @svalkyrie23 ,

As the Dawn theme, developed by Shopify it is generally well optimized, including efficient use of stylesheets and html. However, a low text/HTML ratio warning can still appear due to the following reasons:


-If your product descriptions are very short the text/HTML ratio may be affected, even though the code is optimized.

-While images are important for an online store if your pages are image-heavy with minimal text content, this could result in a lower ratio.

-If you've embedded third-party widgets, scripts, or other content, these could increase the amount of HTML without adding much text.


To fix the issue please do the following:

-Add more detailed descriptions, customer reviews, or other text content to balance the ratio.

-Review any third-party apps or custom scripts you might have added, as these could introduce additional HTML code.


I hope this helps! If it does, please like it and mark it as a solution!

If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out!


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I completely disagree with your assessment of why the ratio is so low.  For me it is not lack of content.  I have paragraphs of text on my product pages describing the product.  Something is wrong.  Perhaps the Shopify tool has to create bloated code in order for the tool to work resulting in poor Shopify store indexes.

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Where i can fix html or css in wordpress? Thank you.